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Almost dead, but dont want to! Please help with suggestions

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Ok, so I finally have some good stuff on me, ALICE pack, M4A3 CCO, loads of bloodbags, binoculars, map x2, watch etc. I've run from Kamenka all the way to Balota where I Got the gun, then through Cherno and Elektro and found some more stuff and I've ended up all the way at just north of Khelm. Now when I was on my way from Berezino to Khelm I ran into some bandits but just barely made it out of there alive, had around 3000 blood left even after eating all my food so I thought i'd give Khelm a loot-run. I ran in and aggroed a bunch of Z's and somehow my controls were messed up, I couldnt do anything else but run forward. I slapped around the keyboard in rage while the Z's were chewing on my limbs and whatnot and then the controls worked again. I put all my last ammo in the Z's and now im down to 1.400 Blood.

I'm not ready to die yet because of control failure! Do you have any suggestions what to do or where to go to get blood up ? I don't have any ammo left so I Cant defend myself, all out of food in my inv (but food icon is green). I may pass out at any time so can't really risk zombies. I have matches and a pile of wood so if i could slay a anmial i'd cook. But I cant kill animals without ammo? Just asking cause i havent tried it yet

This mod is awesome, gotten me involved emotinally like no other game has before!

So, any tips on what to do or where to go ? I'm just north of Khelm in open field near the forest

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I have to add that I haven't seen a single cow, bird, goat, cat or anything eadible for this area yet

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put your gun in your bag get out your hatchet and start lookin boy...

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Can't you ask a friend who has blood transfusion?:7 I'd help if i could but i dont have any but that could solve ur problems just ask him to go wehre u are and log in when he is there you could even offer some reward

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You have my sympathies, but best thing you can do right now is to resign yourself to the simple rules of Day Z;

1) Don't get attached to your gear

2) Be prepared to die

3) Don't get attached to your gear

Edited by Box
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And as I said no animals around. But can you kill animals with the hunting knife ?

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(was already postet)

Edited by Paddy0610

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Do you have any friends that play the game? If you so you could ask them to give you a blood transfusion. If you not your best bet is go down to the coast and kill yourself in the forest and then run back to your body.

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Yeah I know don't get attached, but itd be nice to survive anyway ;) I Don't have any friends that can help im afraid. I'm at work right now so cant log in for coordinates

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If you tell me where you are, I´ll give you a blood transfusion..

i think you spelled "i´ll give you a bullet" wrong

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No, you cant kill with the knife. Go to berenzino its a short distance from you. There are 2 supermarkets and a lot of residential buildings to loot for food. You will also be surely rewarded an axe in a shed or in the container behind the supermarket in town.

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if you dont know your exact position then at least tell us in what city you are near...

PS: i am near gorka in Altar

Edited by mp44christos

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I think it depends i had my bodie lying arround for 4 Hours without diasappering (died to an rock near berenzino) but sometimes they are gone rly fast.

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I think it depends i had my bodie lying arround for 4 Hours without diasappering (died to an rock near berenzino) but sometimes they are gone rly fast.

yes corpses take a long time to disapear

One time i died in NWAF and it took me 3 hours to get back in my old dead body and get my stuff....

To the OP plz give us a skype name or any other way to contact you...

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I can come on a server of your choosing and help,let me know what you need.

Not at home now but if you want my help send me a pm.

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Ask on the medics thread :)

What he said, there's a whole thread of us in this very forum (Survivor HQ) and we like nothing better than sprinting across the map and diving into situations like this to help people in trouble like you. But it looks like you've already gotten a couple offers here as well.

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PM I am currently at the northwest airfield don't have blood bags but I can steal one of yours and give it too you give me the most precise coordinates you can I will help

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