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Good vs Evil

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One thing that is infiniatley annoying in this game is the fact that people who want to just kill everyone for their stuff go unpunished, this really sucks.... I just spent 2 hours collecting stuff, finally found a telescopic hunting rifle then quit the game thinking i could come back later and play. I came back to find the server almost full and decided to continue to the next town only to be slaughtered by someone i have no idea where they were but thats that, they win I lose. You could take the stance that the real world would be like this in an apocalypes but I'm sure you would agree that there is alot that would be different to this game in an apocolyspe, ie you could search every house, there would be soooo many more vehicles, killing a zombie with a hatchet would be so much easier etc.... THE POINT IS if humanity can survive by being evil and just killing anything that moves including good people then why wouldnt you? you need desperatley to penalise players who kill, and your idea of adding physical blemishes to represent bad character (scars, lines and expressions) is stupid because you never get to see the face of your killer, I'm goping to spend the next 2 minutes thinking of a better way and get back to you.... DONE, cause the players to have higher zombie attraction, and make it so the zombies can see them from further away, that would definatlety work and you could say its because the zombies sense evil or some shit. Do you want my bank account number??


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PVP is almost the core element of the game.. you cannot get attached to your gear within a few hours you will probably lose it.

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This is going to be pleaded by many survivors who are pacifists and believe that people should not fight rather survivor side by side. The fact of the matter is, bandits are going to be bandits if someone spots you with a weapon they will most likely shoot you. This is because this game has become something where if you are not in a voice chat with this person in this position you are not friendly this will continue to be contested but this is how it is and how it most likely will always be. Also the adding more cars bit, the map is not so big that you must drive a car as you are comparing this to an irl zombie apocalypse. Now the zombies part... I feel that the zombies are already good enough, they can spot you from a hundred meters out if you are not sneaking. This is my input like it or not.

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If you don't like getting killed by players, then I'd suggest that you move to a low population server. This game is about survival of the fittest. It's only natural that people who are in a better position than you are going to take advantage of you, just because they can.

In modern society, people hold back from crime because of the fear of punishment by the law. Not everyone is like that, though, and people have moral standings, but not everyone does.

In early society, people held back from crime and immoral desicions by the introduction of religion which acted as both a way of faith and a way to instill fear into those who disobeyed the "laws" of that religion, by punishment in the afterlife of either going to heaven or hell.

What is there in the DayZ society to prevent this? What would make sense, in a realistic perspective, to prevent people from doing the "wrong" things?

Nice guys get trampled on.

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  On 8/10/2012 at 10:23 AM, Nasias said:

If you don't like getting killed by players, then I'd suggest that you move to a low population server. This game is about survival of the fittest. It's only natural that people who are in a better position than you are going to take advantage of you, just because they can.

In modern society, people hold back from crime because of the fear of punishment by the law. Not everyone is like that, though, and people have moral standings, but not everyone does.

In early society, people held back from crime and immoral desicions by the introduction of religion which acted as both a way of faith and a way to instill fear into those who disobeyed the "laws" of that religion, by punishment in the afterlife of either going to heaven or hell.

What is there in the DayZ society to prevent this? What would make sense, in a realistic perspective, to prevent people from doing the "wrong" things?

Nice guys get trampled on.

lol actually if you look into history, people got along for thousands of years with out religion. Many wars were started over religion and their gods....so ya, i don't think religion is a very good point to make here.

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  On 8/10/2012 at 10:28 AM, trylan said:

lol actually if you look into history, people got along for thousands of years with out religion. Many wars were started over religion and their gods....so ya, i don't think religion is a very good point to make here.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a biter.

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You have to deal with it. It is a main feature of the game.

This game is about surviving, not collecting the best weapons.

If you find it too difficult to play, try other games such as COD or Left 4 Dead.

DayZ has been having success because it is different from other fps online.

Try to play it properly.

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Trust me, in real life the situation will not be that different then whats happening in this game.

What if you are hungry and you see somebody else eating.....

A hungry man is a angry man !

Edited by Allie

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  On 8/10/2012 at 10:42 AM, Allie said:

Trust me, in real life the situation will not be that different then whats happening in this game.

What if you are hungry and you see somebody else eating.....

A hungry man is a angry man !

lol oh, so you've killed someone for food have you? and you've been in a real situation where your starving and seen someone walking by with a can of beans you needed to kill for?

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It's one thing to have a bandit walk up to you and shoot you in the face because you're afraid of getting a murder tag and you can't tell if they're dangerous or not.

It's another to make it impossible to be bad.

Just be careful. And shoot the bandits.

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  On 8/10/2012 at 10:17 AM, Steiyn said:

PVP is almost the core element of the game.. you cannot get attached to your gear within a few hours you will probably lose it.

Yes but if it stays this way then you will just have to end up killing everyone whether they are good or bad, the game would be so much better if it encouraged friendly encounters

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