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how come some ppl are well geared despite hacking?/

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some ppl have very good weapons ak , sniper , gilie suit

how come they have not been killed by hackers?

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Well , reason for this is not duping Glyphy ur retarded :)

Reason for this is people have a group , they collect Camping Tent''s then they send a group of 2-3 to Berezino and for example a group of 2-3 to NWAF only with pistols , then they grab 2 waepons each and go back to there tents and store it there :)

Dieng is no problem since they dont lose annything much

Or go server hop @ tallest builiding in cherno / elektro sniper hill

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Uh your gear doesn't really have much to do with that?

I find Ghillie suits in the church in Cherno with a pretty fair regularity.

AK's are pretty easy to come across if you know where to look.

Milgrade sniper rifles are a bit rarer, but they're out there and plenty of people have found them, so long as they don't die, they keep them.

I've dealt with a lot of hackers on my server, one of the main reasons I don't die in the middle of their stupid attacks is because I don't spend any time yelling "WTF" at my monitor when shit goes banana shaped. I just disconnect....immediately.

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Me and my mate are pretty well kitted out right now, we just tend to avoid high pop servers because of the hacking.

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Because of loot inflation - Due to mass amounts of scripts and duping,

Everyone you kill these days has an AS50.

It's pretty simple, get any gun, camp Electro sniper hill, wait for someone to come and kill em.

Ghillies are common if you know where to look as well.

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Well first of Glyphyy you're an idiot not everyone dupes items also you need to have those items before you can dupe'em. You can easily avoid hackers by going into low pop servers and gear up there that's how I do it.

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i can honestly say i've never duped an item and currently i'm running around with a L85 AWS2 and a Bison silenced submachine gun and cameo clothing.

How did i manage to get that? I guess by getting really lucky, the last 3 days we ran into a helicopter crash each day and found some really nice weapons.

The cameo clothing I found in a deer stand i believe.

so it isn't because of duping or hacking but my travelling the map and hitting as many deer stands, supermarkets,....as possible.

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Reason for this is people have a group , they collect Camping Tent''s then they send a group of 2-3 to Berezino and for example a group of 2-3 to NWAF only with pistols , then they grab 2 waepons each and go back to there tents and store it there :)

Then they dupe and dupe and dupe.
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I'm on survival day 35.

I have not duped a single item (I have no idea how to O_o). Matter of fact, the tents I DO have only have one of each weapon.

I just stick to servers with less than 15 people, hunt animals, drink from the canteens and only go into a town when I need ammunition.

Edited by Pyro_Marine

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some ppl have very good weapons ak , sniper , gilie suit

how come they have not been killed by hackers?

........really dude?.......

Lock this thread,we need not apply Robin Hood glory to an already critical hacker problem.

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You can't really downplay duping when talking about this.

That duped gun doesn't vanish when the duper dies, someone else just gets it.

Duped guns are changing hands between players that didn't dupe them.


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You are correct two wrongs do not make a right but it sure as hell balances what is essentially tossing a grenade into a barrel of fish. Untill thunder domes,server nukes and teleport assassins are gone the game needs a check to balance out what would otherwise be utter domination by assholes I wouldnt call the fire dept for if they were trapped at a 4th story window during a fire.

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I am still looking for some Kit, over 300 hrs play and I still haven't found a lot of items.

25 chopper crash sites and no sign of NVG's or a big 50.

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You can't really downplay duping when talking about this.

That duped gun doesn't vanish when the duper dies, someone else just gets it.

Duped guns are changing hands between players that didn't dupe them.


Duping can't be fixed til Rocket works out a way to sync data in real time between the Hive and server resident child objects.

The current heartbeat saves for server to hive seem to be on average around three minutes, longer if the Hive is experiencing any level of above average connection load. Given as SQL/TCP processes start keeling over when you have more than 5000 socket connections open at once, it a given to understand that the Hive is probably in a constant state of above average connection load.

And yeah a lot of people dupe on purpose. Cause they can, cause its easy, cause they feel justified in doing so since hackers/server wipes/hive wipes have made them lose stuff in the past. But not everyone dupes willfully. First time I duped anything I did it completely by accident and deleted the duped stuff cause I was afraid I'd get banned for it. Now I just can't even be bothered to constantly empty out my tents after every server restart cause the server restart restocks my tents with the last known good save that the Hive has for the tent and regardless of how many times I save my tent, the last known good save seems to be the first save I used on the tent after putting it up and putting items in it.

Edited by semipr0

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duping? yes alot of people are geared due to duping but not everyone, my team have no player kills and we have an as50, 2 fals, 2 m16's and some nvgs. not amazingly geared but easily enough for now.

helicopter hunt and gtfo fast afterwards.

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My current method of reacquiring gears involves 1-stop shopping at SET (Somebody Else's Tent).

Shop smart, shop SET-Mart.

Edited by random51

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I spawn box's filled with weapons on the beach so new players can have some Luls

I feel good helping the community xxx

That's not helping anything.. It's just putting items that are normally rare, or at least require some play time to acquire, into circulation, and ruining the DayZ leveling system all together. Smh@scripters who think they improve the game. The ONLY way i could see that beneficial is to assist those who died due to scripters.

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