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HELP!! Cant die!!

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Hey guys, tough to explain, but i fell off a crane thing and broke my leg, so i crawled into the water to kill myself. Unfortunately for me my game has glitched and i'm now stuck at the bottom of the lake!! And i can't die, and my thirst isn't going down and neither is my hunger! I have 3000 blood and it is stuck there too. I cant even walk cos my leg is broken! What do i dO??? Please help!

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The problem is i think we cant even shot into the water... So probably your fucked.

Ok 1 chance try to get to an High Populatet US Server. If your lucky you will get Thunderdomed or Nuked, or just trown into the Air by an hacker. (this will probably kill you so your problem is solved ^^)

Edited by Paddy0610

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Aparantly NZ servers are the hackers server of choice at the moment for some reason. Could always try that?

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Just join a NZ or RU server, soon enough a hacker will nuke you :D

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Think my Hacker idea was pretty good :D

so US NZ and RU the choice of instant dieing , lol

@WIldcat Let us know if you died and how you died :)

Edited by Paddy0610

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xD Maybe have someone throw a grenade in the lake lol

Never tryed that lol , a good suggestion too

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