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US1917 ADMIN KICKING after killing them. ADMIN: BRETT

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Server Name: US1917

(Your) Timezone: Pacific Time Zone UTC-8

Date/Time: 8-5-12 to 8-7-12

Server Administrator('s): Brett

What happened:

FIRSToccurrence of ADMIN ABUSE,

US1917 has an admin abusing their powers.

I was running around Solnichniy looking for vehicle parts. As I was scavenging the town for parts I run into a V3S vehicle (at its spawn point). I see a player (Main User) running for the vehicle being chased by Zeds. I decide to take a shot at him because I wanted this rare vehicle for myself and my friends. After killing a Main User, who was trying to repair a V3S Civilian, they immediately kick all players off to prevent me from taking the vehicle. I try to rejoin the server 2-3 times and get kicked every single time I join. After attempting to rejoin so many times, the server get locked (turned into a private server). This is considered cheating. Please do not join this server or support the admins. You do not want this to happen to you.

ADMIN: Brett

Player killed: Main User

Evidence/Proof for FIRST occurrence:



[Players on before and after kicks]- http://imgur.com/a/bgjba#0

[banned the next day]- http://imgur.com/a/7bHlB#9

SECOND occurrence of ADMIN ABUSE,

Today a GREAT day =D, I'm north of Stary and I see a heli flying above my friend and I. A couple minutes later the pilot dies randomly and the passenger ejects and parachutes down. We quickly run for the heli crash. I spot the player who ejects across the field as my friend goes for the crash. To my surprise its the admin "Brett". I suddenly jump to joy as I know this is the admin of the server and I've been hunting him all day. I line my shot and BOOM one shot with my FN FAL. He is dead.

I killed the admin "Brett" today on my other Character Profile (as this CD key was not banned). After killing him I let him know about it on TS, again he goes with the ban. Not only does he use his admin powers to ban me, he gets my IP and decides to post it on the TS server we are on.

Evidence/Proof for SECOND occurrence:


He also kept kicking my friend who was trying to loot his body, after banning me pertinently.

It felt DAMN GOOD to kill him though :) REALLY GOOD!!!

He QQ'd on TS, something about "pulling money out of my pocket to pay for my own server" and what not. LOLOLOLOL. Noty, Ill play for free and kill noobs like you Brett :) (Not going to take it to your level and kick people if things don't go my way)

More evidence on this thread:




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Just remember, if they're hosting a teamspeak server then they can do as they please with it. And that includes see your IP.

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Contact the TS Admins about that issue, and present them the unedited version. They can deal with him via Teamspeak, but the report itself will need to be dealt by community support.

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What about the admin breaking the server rules? or can you now kick / ban a player for killing a admin on a server / locking a server for personal gain.

Edited by Skutch

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Regarding the first report:

Hello HarlReddit,

Sorry you had a bad experience on our server. Let me explain what has happened in the last two hours. The server is brand new... 4-5 hours I believe. I haven't been on for most of the day and I was notified by a few players that there was a hacker in the server. I sent multiple global messages saying that I was going to shutdown the server because I need to go through the logs to figure out what's up. Let me explain that I have never run a DayZ server before and I did not know what would and would not show up in the logs so it took me a bit of googling.

During this process I locked the server and shortly after realized this was not allowed. My reaction was to kick everyone in the server and send global messages letting them know I was going through the logs and the server would be playable again in a few. I now realize that I should have stopped the server and then read the logs but I wanted to give players a fair amount of warning. The issue with this is that everyone kept rejoining. This led to a bad practice of 'pausing' the server and I've learned from it and it will not happen again.

Just to clear up a few things the only admin is myself 'Brett'. The other two players left at multiple times but kept rejoining just like you. The next time I have a situation like this I will give a 5 minute warning and then stop the server instead of doing what I did today. I do however have a slight issue with you flooding the server with connection requests with your name changed and taunting us with a server report. The server is brand new and to see a player like yourself go off on me when this is just an issue of not much server experience was concerning.

We welcome everyone on the server and we are sorry for this issue.

Thanks - Brett


Regarding the second report:

Another member vouched for you and it was a mistake that I didn't ban you. I just set down core rules to the server that include things like banning hackers and hoarders. While our server is not perfect it is 2 days old and things are changing. Once again I take full responsibility for not banning you from the beginning. You can rest assured that anyone coming on the server with hacked items will be banned as soon as I am made aware of it.

I did not say I would ban someone if they touched a vehicle. The server was also not restarted 3 times because we were worried someone was in our camp. 1 - was a scheduled restart and the 2nd was because vehicles weren't showing up after the restart.

Take care!


At this point the user was banned and so was his entourage since they were now harassing members in teamspeak. Users from his makeship group of griefers used new accounts(new guid) to bypass the bans and were able to play on the server without me knowing. They think they had a right to be there because it was a new account and I had no right to ban them because they had done nothing wrong on those accounts.

I was only made aware of the fact that they were on my server when one of them killed me and start berating me about it in teamspeak. I banned them all again - not for killing me but for bypassing the ban. They were removed from my server for a reason and they had no right to come back. Ban bypassing be it GUID spoofing or new accounts should be a global ban issue imo. At this point I banned all of their IP addresses.

Regarding me posting one member's IP Address let me first state that you have no expectation of privacy when you join a privately paid for server. Your IP Address was posted on TeamSpeak and Pastebin and will be available publically through the server's ban list. If the information isn't allowed on this forum then I will edit it from my previous posts and I apologize but I certainly do not apologize posting this guy's information so other server admins don't have to deal with his griefer group.

Both members who have reported the server are in said group and they will continue to do what they can to get back at me. The conversation before he left was 'ban me and i'll report you' which I'm sure many admins are receiving these days. Good day!

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Hello 1917Admin,

Would you please take the time to clarify several points from your posting?

Your response to "First Report" did not include any explaination for banning user HarlReddit. Your only written disgruntlement is: "I do, however, have a slight issue with you flooding the server with connection requests with your name changed and taunting us with a server report." Without any further information about the ban it may be construed the reason for the ban was User HarlReddit connected to your server too many times while you were kicking people...and that he had changed his name perhaps multiple times. Could you expand upon your reasons for banning HarlReddit?

Would you please explain your comment, "It was a mistake that I didn't ban you(HarlReddit)."

You state that you have a "core rule" of banning Hoarders. Am I to understand that you ban any player who collects excessive items? Could you please take some time to explain this rule? Or better yet, quantify it's definition? I am certainly curious how many items I am allowed to accrue while playing on your server before I will receive a ban for having too many.

Another curious thing, your rule also states banning Hackers. While I certainly commend you for this, I was mindful that you implied HarlReddit is a hacker. Do you consider it true, a player with an item spawned by another player is themselves a hacker?

One final concern. If I am not mistaken, from following the many threads on these forums complaining about your competence as an Admin, you banned the first incarnation of HarlReddit for having a weapon not currently available within the DayZ Mod. Did the second incarnation of HarlReddit also have weapons not available from within the DayZ Mod? I'm afraid I don't quiet understand why HarlReddit's second account was banned. Could you elaborate for us?

Thank you for your time.

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Admin just banned me from game for finding their camp, I didn't shoot either. saw camp, came under fire, immediate ban.

The mad bomber destroyed:

1 Dirtbike

1 white pickup truck

1 Red Lada


3 ATV's

Your a terrible liar Brett

And nice to see you restart your server in the middle of my raid to try to halt it. Bit cheap

Nice to see you're duping your items aswell

You have quite a few AS50's for a server thats only 2 days old.

And wow you found some RGO Frag grenades, those are pretty rare, I know they're ingame but they're only really found inside Urals that have just spawned, bit weird that you had quite a few of those babies.

For a server thats 2 days old you've got alot of tents, camps and quite a few vehicles set up.

On my way north I was a bit suprised to see like 6 of your members just chilling at the NW airfield just shooting off rockets/grenades and all sorts of nubetubes around randomly, They weren't even fighting as no kills occured at all. Bit strange that your guys would be firing off all those explosives (it was like bonfire night) and not even be trying to kill other guys. It's like you had plenty of explosives to spare, maybe like you were duping them...

I think it's time you got blacklisted bro

Edited by TheMadBomba
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Admin just banned me from game for finding their camp, I didn't shoot either. saw camp, came under fire, immediate ban.

The mad bomber destroyed:

1 Dirtbike

1 white pickup truck

1 Red Lada


3 ATV's

Your a terrible liar Brett

And nice to see you restart your server in the middle of my raid to try to halt it. Bit cheap

Nice to see you're duping your items aswell

You have quite a few AS50's for a server thats only 2 days old.

And wow you found some RGO Frag grenades, those are pretty rare, I know they're ingame but they're only really found inside Urals that have just spawned, bit weird that you had quite a few of those babies.

For a server thats 2 days old you've got alot of tents, camps and quite a few vehicles set up.

On my way north I was a bit suprised to see like 6 of your members just chilling at the NW airfield just shooting off rockets/grenades and all sorts of nubetubes around randomly, They weren't even fighting as no kills occured at all. Bit strange that your guys would be firing off all those explosives (it was like bonfire night) and not even be trying to kill other guys. It's like you had plenty of explosives to spare, maybe like you were duping them...

I think it's time you got blacklisted bro

What's up guy! :D So glad you could join us. I hopped on the server and immediately I heard a few explosions. I look back and see some fire going off in a friends camp. I scope in to see what's going on and boom headshot. I die. I download the logs to see what was up and I see the following:

18:56:48 BattlEye Server: Player #11 WNxKATIEYAY ( connected

18:56:48 BattlEye Server: Player #11 WNxKATIEYAY - GUID: f31220a4c36d52be6729b4030f6c78dc (unverified)

18:56:48 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (f31220a4c36d52be6729b4030f6c78dc) of player #11 WNxKATIEYAY

19:21:30 "UPDATE: [b 1-1-L:1 (WNxKATIEYAY) REMOTE,[["5Rnd_127x99_as50",3],"ItemWaterbottle",["5Rnd_127x99_as50",2],["5Rnd_127x99_as50",3],"5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","ItemSodaCoke","FoodSteakCooked","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"],false]"

19:21:30 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:201:25682063:[55,[7475.01,7575.53,0]]:[["ItemFlashlight","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemWatch","ItemEtool","ItemCompass","ItemMatchbox","Binocular_Vector","NVGoggles","M9SD","BAF_AS50_TWS"],[["5Rnd_127x99_as50",3],"ItemWaterbottle",["5Rnd_127x99_as50",2],["5Rnd_127x99_as50",3],"5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","ItemSodaCoke","FoodSteakCooked","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]]:["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["Mk_48_DZ"],[1]],[["PipeBomb","ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemBloodbag","100Rnd_762x51_M240"],[1,2,2,1,3]]]:[]:false:false:0:0:0:0:["","",42]:0:0::0:" / 25682063"

19:06:58 BattlEye Server: Player #3 Rip ( connected

19:06:58 BattlEye Server: Player #3 Rip - GUID: 5af4d86431e382cc44f3c372a03e738d (unverified)

19:06:58 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (5af4d86431e382cc44f3c372a03e738d) of player #3 Rip

19:32:52 "UPDATE: [b 1-2-E:1 (Rip) REMOTE,["5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","PipeBomb",["PipeBomb",0],"PipeBomb",["PipeBomb",0],"PipeBomb",["PipeBomb",0],"ItemSodaCoke","FoodSteakCooked","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"],false]"

19:32:52 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:201:26148788:[0,[519.658,8174.25,0.00119019]]:[["ItemFlashlight","ItemWatch","BAF_AS50_scoped","NVGoggles","ItemGPS","ItemToolbox","M9SD","ItemMatchbox","ItemCompass","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMap","ItemEtool"],["5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","PipeBomb",["PipeBomb",0],"PipeBomb",["PipeBomb",0],"PipeBomb",["PipeBomb",0],"ItemSodaCoke","FoodSteakCooked","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"]]:["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[["ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","PipeBomb"],[1,1,11]]]:[]:false:false:0:0:12:0:["","amovpercmrunsraswrfldf",42]:0:0::0:" / 26148788"

As soon as I see the first thermal as50 I stop the server as I had just seen your message and another person respond saying he wanted to join up. So the server is stopped and I go through this and ban two people. The server comes back up and all is well. I'm still going through the logs and it seems you guys found that camp mighty fast. I wonder what else I'll be finding in these logs. Take care now! :D

PS: It's amazing what happens to destroyed vehicles in DayZ once a restart occurs. Must be a shame to waste all of that time.

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Did you just admit that you server restarted to get your vehicles back?

PS: It's amazing what happens to destroyed vehicles in DayZ once a restart occurs. Must be a shame to waste all of that time.

Besides that it's amazing that everyone who harms something of yours is suddenly a hacker when they have seen the items you have in your extreme camps on this now less than a week old server.

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I'm Rip ingame

I have the satchel charges as obviously i'm Da Mad Ripper.

I work alone so yeah, That other person i don't know...

And want to know how I found your base? It's obvious really, I put out an ad offering my services in blowing shiz up (only on servers where the admins abuse their power such as yourself), Within a few hours of setting up my ad today I get about 4 different people who i will not name pointing me in the direction of your server saying that the admin Brett is an admin who abuses his power and bans whoever finds his base/kills him.

So I peiced together the information from my informants and work out where your base is at. Not hard really, alot of people hide their bases in the north of the map as obviously west is bordering the debug zone.

Feel free to look through all of those logs, you'll find I play legit and i'm afraid that your actions in the past few hours will just prove to everyone that you ban because people find your base.

I've got your coordinates jotted down so anyone whos not banned can feel free to PM me and i'll give them the coords. I may be banned but i'm sure i'm not the only one who'll be happy to fight against admins on power trips such as yourself.

So you banned me for "cheating/hacking". Finding your base from information given to me by others is cheating/hacking? nice try lol

Thanks for your PM btw Brett, it was very mature.

And thanks for posting my GUIP and whatnot up when you have ZERO evidence of me doing anything wrong.

Whereas I've just made a new server report thread about your server breaking the rules, enjoy being blacklisted. Any real DayZ Dev Mod will be checking your server and seing that all of your items have been duped, I swear I counted about 20 AS50's in those tents there, seems very legit :P

And like the above guy said, nice way to admin resetting a server to undo damage done (like I could have sworn your tents were flattened before the restart, you just cheated so yeah)

Edited by TheMadBomba
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Sorry for double posting but thought i'd add some extra information.

Brett, would you like to explain how you had 15 RGO frag grenades. You should find maybe 2-3 maximum in a Ural when it spawns which is rare.

Do you expect us to believe that you had the extra rare grenade spawn that only really happens in urals about 5 times in a row in 2 days?


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OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!! It isn't my camp. It is a friend's camp. A couple of friend's actually. You didn't even touch my camp... I only have 1 vehicle! You are a tool!

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George (Silenus01),

Please, I am begging you, contact Vilayer immediately and inform them they have a client issuing real life threats against your person. Vilayer is a British owned and operated business. They are under British law. Hate speech, invasion of privacy and general douchbagger is something they do not accept.

Go to->http://www.vilayer.com/cl/register.php then click Contact Us and fill out the ticket. Don't forget to include the picture of Brett's threat. Also mention that Brett has stated he will lock his server to make it private, which is a clear violations of DayZ Mod rules for server hosting.


Brett, you are everything that is wrong with this community.

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This has escalated to the point where I am going to remove this from player posting. It will remain here, locked, awaiting administrative review.

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