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How I feel upon respawning after dying.

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"Clear the ramp! Thirty seconds. God be with ya!"

"Port side stick, starboard side stick, move fast and clear those murder holes. I wanna see plenty of beach between men. Five men is a juicy opportunity, one man's a waste of ammo. Keep the sand out of your weapons, keep those actions clear. I'll see you on the beach."

"Clear this beach! Make way for the others!

Every inch of this beach has been pre-sighted!

You stay here, you're dead men!


"What's the rallying point?"

"Anywhere but here!"


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But he's right... all starts with orientating and running into the woods... When I know where I am, I start running north or north-east to get out of this hell. Then I maybe go to loot some barns. But leaving the beaches behind is essentially! -.-

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My backpack is full of extra meds ive got from scavenging from the corpses on the beach and the bean wars in cherno.

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Maybe if you weren't so stupid as to get in Makarov duels..

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Mwahahaha, that is actually a very very good comparison. ^^ Good one.

Not that I've had much of a problem with it... but still.

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the bean wars in cherno.


>not taking part in the cherno bean wars

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