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Server Hackers

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I think on our server we have some hackers on,the admin is my friend and i dont think he knows how to get the GUID to report them,

Names:Ascension/Bwnage/Rotton/Liberate are the possible hackers

Proof: A previous spot we spotted them at had a spawn of

4 civilian clothing/1 ghille suit

Really high status guns were found on them we shot them all out of their GAZ

Patrol Coyote backpacks on all of them

Possibilitys : They may have found a ammo box on a server but im not sure about how they got the GAZ

Since ammo crates dont spawn in backpacks i suggest thats why they have low status backpacks and why theres 4 civilian suits and only 1 left over ghillie. Guessing the script they have spawned in 5 of everything and one of the guns,i seen crates carry numerous numbers of weapons.

Post your statements below please.

How does our admin get their GUID

We j

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