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Looking for DayZ group (My Resumé)

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This is my first time posting on this forum, but i am looking for a group to enlist with in DayZ. any server.

The following are my credentials.

Name: Kevin Brawn

Age: 18

Experience: 500+hours played, mostly in the 438th Force Recon server (Stealth and Reconnaissance) Very familiar with Cherno. Have made it 5 days so far in Dayz {GT}, have yet to die.

Translating: I speak a lot of Russian, German, English, and a little bit of Ukrainian. English preferred.

Skills: Map reading without GPS or in map icon "Veteran difficulty or harder". Navigating using layout of land. Sneaking. Shooting (much combat experience). 80hrs Piloting (jet or Helo, but in Dayz it is obvious =P). Designated Corpsman in 438th FR.

MO: Im looking to expand my horizons on DayZ. Instead of lingering from place to place trying not to die, I would prefer to scout new areas, with the hope of building up a camp, or vehicles, or anything of that nature. I am interested in any group who will take it somewhat seriously, but still treat it as fun as it should be.


I am currently posted in Devils Castle, armed and loaded with a lot of ammo and with 2Km worth of travel supplies at the ready. I am injured, 3K health, but i can move. I need assistance to get started, but if you can help me on my feet, id put my toon's life on the line for the team.

Message me on steam { Kabato7 }

Or skype { kevin.brawn }

I may not see posts on this forum often. Thank you!

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We were considering you until we realised you dont speak Nepalese Latin..sorry.

That being said, if you dont have broken bones ( even if you do you can spam crouch the stairs to get up which i am sure you know ) you should be able to get enough food out of Devils Castle to pump your health right back up :)

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Ive managed to get back to cherno with a friend. Got myself an AK, and have provided a sincere amount of whoop ass to a group of kids who just shot at me. Cheers :)

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Had fun playing some DayZ with you an hour ago. Lets do it again tomorrow. :) :thumbsup: :beans:

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