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Im done, hackers win...

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So much for hackers being banned today alone been teleported to thunderdome 3x, got thrown in the air and died, and an invisible teleporter shot me in the face after I saw the smoke of his shots a few feet in of me but no one was there. Six times in 1 day is just stupid so hackers win im out love the game but it seems I cant play for more then 30 minutes anymore without being harassed by some dbag script kiddie.

Not like anyone will miss me im ranting because im pissed, my entire guild has quit 15 of us due to hackers and only me and a coupel others even login anymore sucks to see such a great game ruined like that =/. Keep on testing fellas make this game good for the rest of us who cant hack it (pun intended).


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DayZ is currently only good for a quick derp around cherno killing people, try to do anything serious and I hacker will ruin you.

Died 4 times to them yesterday.

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people in this community are the rudest fucking people around. the rude people are prolly all the fucking hackers too

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people in this community are the rudest fucking people around. the rude people are prolly all the fucking hackers too

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