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How I got out of the ocean with my gear (from hack tele)

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I got this game about a week ago, and it's been a blast... other than being teleported into the ocean from hackers (this is the 2nd time)

The first time I was lucky and the hackers teleported everyone back on land (and proceeded to shoot everyone - but I got away)

This time when I was teleported into the ocean I immediately alt+f4 thinking it would protect my last saved position. I was terrified of losing my m24 and mp5 sd which I was so proud of (bite me, I'm new lol)

Well, it didn't. I tried logging in to 10 different servers and I was still in the ocean in all of them (19000m from land so swimming wasn't an option). I was dreading the several hour wait to starve my character because I had just eaten a bunch of cooked meat prior to this incident.

Then I remembered something! When I first started playing this game I was confused about the long loading times, and one time I pushed esc while connecting to the server. It brings up the normal "abort" menu but when you push it while the game is loading the respawn button is available. I accidentally pushed this once and it killed my character and I was upset (I was a noob and didn't know that it killed you)

So I thought I could try this. I logged into a random server and pushed esc while it was loading, clicked respawn and it said it killed me. I logged back in and it did nothing - I was still in the ocean. Ugh... out of desperation I tried again, hit esc, respawn, reconnect... but this time when I reconnected I spawned in the debug wilderness with absolutely no gear (no items at all in inventory). I was thinking "oh god, what's this?". I aborted and reconnected again to the same server - but this time I spawned near otmel with ALL OF MY GEAR! I was overwhelmed with joy!

I apologize if hitting escape while loading and pushing the enabled respawn button is considered abuse or an exploit... but I am only trying to combat hackers here

This method definitely worked for me :) got out of the ocean with all my gear!

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edit: nevermind, misread the post

Edited by MacEwan

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