babyrats 0 Posted May 27, 2012 As many may of seen, with the increase of players coming into this excellent mod, many are attempting to ruin it for other players by not treating it as a survival of the fittest but as a run and gun FPS. Some people may disagree with this, but here is my suggestion for balancing without ruining the fun.What is it:An insanity meter, the more players you kill the more you become insane.Mechanic:Killing players will make your insanity rise, causing such affects as: trembling, harder to turn, harder to aim, hallucinations (probably impossible to implement), inventory item names become gibberish and screaming/laughing at random times. The more insanity the more of them and stronger effects they will be.Methods of insanity meter decay:A few ways to go about this:1. Have it just decay over time, or have zombie kills detract from it (less fun method)2. Add a new drug, like prozac, that will either reduce your insanity meter or just reduce the effects of a period of time then return to how it was before.3. (this is a silly idea) Items you give to players reduces your insanitySuggestions of implementation:To attempt to balance players who are killing in self defense and should not be as badly punish, could try using a formula going along something like: insanityMetre += playersKilled * insanityMeter / (timeAlive * zombieKills) I am very bad at maths so this may be a silly equation, but hopefully you can see that the more zombie kills and time alive the less will be added to insanity meter, and the more players killed and the higher the insanity meter the faster it will increase.I may add more to this post if I have any more ideas/balancing issues. Please reply with any suggestions/criticism but PLEASE lets not make this a thread about if PvP punishment should even exist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Razor (DayZ) 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Is running to the forums crying the first thing you people do?There will be no handicaps. Everyone starts the same, everyone does as he pleases. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyrats 0 Posted May 27, 2012 And they still may do as they please, I see this as not a harsh punishment but an extra take on the PvP scene, hell even removing most of the effects but still having the random laughing/screaming would add to the feel of the game and give a heads up to players that there may be a murderer near by. I do see PvP as an important aspect, the key here is trying to add atmosphere to it while making it slightly harder for a mass murderer. If you see this as "whining" then thats down to you, all I did was add a suggestion and its down the the people to decide if its good/bad or add criticism. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Razor (DayZ) 0 Posted May 27, 2012 This effectively strips you of stealth capability. The harshest punishment i could think of.On top of being plain retarded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zwans 1 Posted June 23, 2012 Don't agree at all with this . I repeat: There should NOT be a punishment for killing people, there should be more to do, thats all. Don't break this game.Also, ffs Survivors look around you, pay attention, use the treeline Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted June 23, 2012 There will be no handicaps. Everyone starts the same' date=' everyone does as he pleases.[/quote']Is that what Rocket has said or just your hopes for this game :)Rocket has already said that creating teamwork is going to be his next big focus... lets see what he comes up with shall we before we make assertions about the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 15 Posted June 23, 2012 I've always thought some kind of insanity (perhaps not quite as dramatic as you suggest, especially the laughing/screaming) would be a pretty good option. Or at least some kind of mental illness effects, not necessarily insanity, because clearly people who enjoy murdering people for the sake of it (in a game where murder means a hell of a lot more than in something like GTA) have some issues going on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvilNickolas 0 Posted June 23, 2012 My suggestion is when a player is 'murdered' 50-75% of the gear vanishes.. therefore if you want someones gear you have to rob them, and fear of death serves as motivation to co-operate.ability to knock out you victum would make this more viable too.Also, because only 'murders' cause gear to vanish and 'bandit kills' dont. bandits then become more desperate not to get into a robbery situation, because its likely they would just be shot(ie: bandit heartbeat detection) Add alot more dynamic to the game without enforcing a handy cap.Also keep in mind that rocket hates in game indicators that tell a player how to feel.. ie: sanity.. he would rather you go insane, then tell you that you are.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ninjutsu 1 Posted June 23, 2012 the run & gunners will not be effected by the meter as they know they will die sooner than later Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stubbies 67 Posted June 23, 2012 As many may of seen' date=' with the increase of players coming into this excellent mod, many are attempting to ruin it for other players by not treating it as a survival of the fittest but as a run and gun FPS. Some people may disagree with this, but here is my suggestion for balancing without ruining the fun.What is it:An insanity meter, the more players you kill the more you become insane.Mechanic:Killing players will make your insanity rise, causing such affects as: trembling, harder to turn, harder to aim, hallucinations (probably impossible to implement), inventory item names become gibberish and screaming/laughing at random times. The more insanity the more of them and stronger effects they will be.Methods of insanity meter decay:A few ways to go about this:1. Have it just decay over time, or have zombie kills detract from it (less fun method)2. Add a new drug, like prozac, that will either reduce your insanity meter or just reduce the effects of a period of time then return to how it was before.3. (this is a silly idea) Items you give to players reduces your insanitySuggestions of implementation:To attempt to balance players who are killing in self defense and should not be as badly punish, could try using a formula going along something like: insanityMetre += playersKilled * insanityMeter / (timeAlive * zombieKills) I am very bad at maths so this may be a silly equation, but hopefully you can see that the more zombie kills and time alive the less will be added to insanity meter, and the more players killed and the higher the insanity meter the faster it will increase.I may add more to this post if I have any more ideas/balancing issues. Please reply with any suggestions/criticism but PLEASE lets not make this a thread about if PvP punishment should even exist.[/quote']I strongly oppose this idea, sorry dude but i think its a horrible mechanic and is too controlling, just because you run and gun or kill plenty of players to ensure your survival doesn't mean you should be "punished".. Its an essential mechanic.. i don't see any issues with PVP and balancing... as far im concerned the better shot/element of surprise/stealth are effective enough mechanics and balancing tools already in place.If your good, perceptive and take your time you will generally always come out on top. Its what I do and I rarely die.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvilNickolas 0 Posted June 23, 2012 As many may of seen' date=' with the increase of players coming into this excellent mod, many are attempting to ruin it for other players by not treating it as a survival of the fittest but as a run and gun FPS. Some people may disagree with this, but here is my suggestion for balancing without ruining the fun.What is it:An insanity meter, the more players you kill the more you become insane.Mechanic:Killing players will make your insanity rise, causing such affects as: trembling, harder to turn, harder to aim, hallucinations (probably impossible to implement), inventory item names become gibberish and screaming/laughing at random times. The more insanity the more of them and stronger effects they will be.Methods of insanity meter decay:A few ways to go about this:1. Have it just decay over time, or have zombie kills detract from it (less fun method)2. Add a new drug, like prozac, that will either reduce your insanity meter or just reduce the effects of a period of time then return to how it was before.3. (this is a silly idea) Items you give to players reduces your insanitySuggestions of implementation:To attempt to balance players who are killing in self defense and should not be as badly punish, could try using a formula going along something like: insanityMetre += playersKilled * insanityMeter / (timeAlive * zombieKills) I am very bad at maths so this may be a silly equation, but hopefully you can see that the more zombie kills and time alive the less will be added to insanity meter, and the more players killed and the higher the insanity meter the faster it will increase.I may add more to this post if I have any more ideas/balancing issues. Please reply with any suggestions/criticism but PLEASE lets not make this a thread about if PvP punishment should even exist.[/quote']I strongly oppose this idea, sorry dude but i think its a horrible mechanic and is too controlling, just because you run and gun or kill plenty of players to ensure your survival doesn't mean you should be "punished".. Its an essential mechanic.. i don't see any issues with PVP and balancing... as far im concerned the better shot/element of surprise/stealth are effective enough mechanics and balancing tools already in place.If your good, perceptive and take your time you will generally always come out on top. Its what I do and I rarely die..^^^ I 100% agree with the above ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timmo 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I think most people are missing the point on topics such as this one, the suggestion above is valid and would deter the FPS players from just killing anything insight. Now I'm all for players doing what they can to survive, however survival from a random that just shoots anything at first sight will equal a return to the beach and that is this mod's biggest downfall and this is why something needs to be implemented to be a deterrent for the FPS morons that treat the game like CoD, BF3 etc...because as it stands if the majority just shoot onsite, then even me as a survivor will just have to follow suit to "survive" in the game and totally miss the more enjoyable parts of the game because all you end up doing is walking, looting, shooting, death then back to the beach........ideally these twats that just play the mod like CoD should just go play that instead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvilNickolas 0 Posted June 23, 2012 but you cant change these players.. even if you add team building.. they will just enjoy kill 2-3 at a time instead of just IRL these people would just get to kill once or twice, then the collective would catch up with them and end the spree, serving as a reminder that if you kill you will get dayz, they just respawn and continue.. so leaving this behavior intact isnt realism at all..the problem is, is that this game is something completely new and different.. but they still want to pretend its COD, when what they should be playing is COD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beloozero 118 Posted June 23, 2012 Excuse me while I butt in here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites