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I'm ringing the bell, COME GET ME!

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So, Let em give you a brief rundown of my situation.

  • I'm well armed
  • I have a group of 4-5 (depending on times)
  • I have all basic and high tier survival gear
  • I have survived for about 9 days

This sounds good, I liek it. BUT I have that CRAVING for some bloodshed. I have had no contact with ANY other players in the past 7 days. Suicide run anyone?


My group and I are on out way to Cherno and Electro. We WANT to die. We NEED to die. Can someone assist us, or at least die trying?

Edited by SgtG
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Bring it guys, HamTheBacon and HeHeHe, lets team up. Add me on skype: pointybrownshoes I'm in elektro.

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Sorry for the delay XD (I work) . We'll most likely be on today around 5pm est. In game name is Big Boss. Happy hunting!

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Use DayZ commander. I'm not making is THAT easy for you!

Edited by SgtG

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So, Let em give you a brief rundown of my situation.

  • I'm well armed
  • I have a group of 4-5 (depending on times)
  • I have all basic and high tier survival gear
  • I have survived for about 9 days

This sounds good, I liek it. BUT I have that CRAVING for some bloodshed. I have had no contact with ANY other players in the past 7 days. Suicide run anyone?


My group and I are on out way to Cherno and Electro. We WANT to die. We NEED to die. Can someone assist us, or at least die trying?

Then why are you posting this? More pointless please..

There's people @ Cherno and Elektro on every server... pointless post.

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So what's the point of this thread? Just to send people looking round thousands of servers just to find a name? If you truly want to die, then make it at least easy to find you, no-one expects you to make it easy for them to kill you.

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he is just being a little kid. he will lay there and wait and wait and wait till someone gets close enough for him to shoot. he will have already gave him and his team the advantage by laying ina spot were no-one can get near without being spotted first. so no point in trying cuz you will die and lose your gear - simples

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he is just being a little kid. he will lay there and wait and wait and wait till someone gets close enough for him to shoot. he will have already gave him and his team the advantage by laying ina spot were no-one can get near without being spotted first. so no point in trying cuz you will die and lose your gear - simples

I never said I was going to do this to be killed... I want blood, whether it be mine or someone else's.

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So what's the point of this thread? Just to send people looking round thousands of servers just to find a name? If you truly want to die, then make it at least easy to find you, no-one expects you to make it easy for them to kill you.

I already made it easy enough, I gave my in game name. If you want it to be easier you obviously don't care for the thrill of the hunt!

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So what's the point of this thread? Just to send people looking round thousands of servers just to find a name? If you truly want to die, then make it at least easy to find you, no-one expects you to make it easy for them to kill you.

I already made it easy enough, I gave my in game name. If you want it to be easier you obviously don't care for the thrill of the hunt!

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