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Journey from Coast to North West Airfield (Green Mountain) (Mt. Zombimanjaro)

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I would like to inform everyone this is the story of how one small boy with a Lee Enfield embarked on a journey to conquer all of Chernarus! And fighting through what is friends refer to as (Terminal Cancer) it's refereed to as this as you lose 3 blood per second and you constantly cough and wheeze. Heat packs will help you none, and none of us have actually ever found Anti-Biotics.

I embarked on a journey to meet a fellow comrade, we spoke of traveling far distances. But as I was passing Komarovo I passed an old abandoned Light House with a small childs bike in the front. I decided to take this little fellow to where ever my heart desires.

My comrades DayZ kept freezing with loading issues so he decided to quit since he's going on Vacation tomorrow, I decided to take on the world and make my treacherous way to the North West Airfield.

I immediately headed West to the border of no mans land and came across a hidden car in the trees, fully operable and all! I decided I did not need a vehicle where I was heading though. I decided to try and make the day of any fresh spawns by leaving the car at the coast. (Was gonna drive it in water but was afraid of dieing)


I headed North to find this told of Mysterious North West Airfield where many men embark but few come out alive!

I was riding up a hill while in the distance I see something, something I've only heard of in camp fire stories. I tried to get a picture but my textures started to glitch out!

After several minutes I reached a closer and safe distance from this so called "Green Mountain".


After much more exploring I reached a point of no return where the terrain begins to fade into something menacing, after a long ride I reached what I'd like to call Mt. Zombimanjaro.



I decided to check my map at this point as I knew no man would even think of traveling any further, Ironically I had to head South East to reach the North West Airfield.


After riding down Mt. Zombimanjaro and breaking the land speed record of 119SPD in DayZ I noticed an odd occurrence.


Another player named Diesel? This can't be! I've never even found anyone when searching through friends with the name Diesel on DayZ Commander!

After many more hills and forest I finally reached my destination of the North West Airfield!







Edited by ISleepTheDayAway

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Ummm.... Not trying to troll or anything, I can see you were just trying to tell a story... I had high hopes, but in the end, i'm confused. So you walked to the NW airfield? What happened when you got there?

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Ummm.... Not trying to troll or anything, I can see you were just trying to tell a story... I had high hopes, but in the end, i'm confused. So you walked to the NW airfield? What happened when you got there?

Nothing really I just hid my bike and logged off to type this up, I wanted to try to add a story instead of just going like "Hey guys I found a car N' stuffz!"

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I demand my last 20sec back of my life <_<

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I demand my last 20sec back of my life <_<

It took you 20 seconds to read that entire thing? Impressive >.>

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Quite anti-climactic if you ask me....I even waited for all the pictures to load. LOL

Quite interesting story...just shitty how there is virtually no ending....

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Quite anti-climactic if you ask me....I even waited for all the pictures to load. LOL

Quite interesting story...just shitty how there is virtually no ending....

Well after typing this I was actually of writing sort of a "Fan Art" story, do you think anyone would be interested in reading it?

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Well after typing this I was actually of writing sort of a "Fan Art" story, do you think anyone would be interested in reading it?

To be honest man.....I have a lot of downtime at work...and the way you write is really interesting.

Very simple and understandable. So yes...i would be interested in ready a "Fan Art" Story.

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Well after typing this I was actually of writing sort of a "Fan Art" story, do you think anyone would be interested in reading it?

I would read it, but it has to have a premise....

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Well I have an idea or two, and I'd like to know if you guys would want a story in the game DayZ so it's based around the Zombie Apocalypse and such. Or around a player who's playing the game DayZ so I can talk about outer world events (this would be better if you wanted a creepy story)

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