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deathdragon1987 (DayZ)

A possible fix to the alt F4 problem

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After opening fire on a player tonight only to find him Alt F4 like the umpteen others before him I decided to rack my brain for a solution.

Since there have been issues with a timeout after the player has Alt f4’d why not have a timeout before they get the chance?

I think everyone by now knows how to Alt F4, it takes only three easy steps, hit Escape > Alt > F4, and poof, you’ve disconnected without any repercussions.


My humble suggestion is to set a delay of X amount, say 10 seconds between hitting the ESC key and the ESC key actually doing anything, like bringing up the menu. This will interrupt the process of the person being able to disconnect.

I believe that this will add only the smallest of inconvenience to every player but make a massive difference in curbing / discouraging this type of behaviour.


If this has been suggested before I apologise. If you think the idea could work please give this positive feedback. If you think I’m an idiot that’s fine also.

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What if you want to access your audio or graphical settings?

Leaving during a firefight isent the number 1 priority at the moment dying for no apparent reason seems to be more of a issue then coming across someone and they af4.

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Alt + F4 closes the game down, but if you'd do any research about it having a timeout is not possible on the ArmA II engine.

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People would just resort to tabbing out and right click close on the process in taskbar.

actaully some of my friends got teleported and they ended the process, so they figured out your body stays there for about 5 seconds so doing dat shit dun work doode

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What if you want to access your audio or graphical settings?

Leaving during a firefight isent the number 1 priority at the moment dying for no apparent reason seems to be more of a issue then coming across someone and they af4.

Like I said a 'small inconvenience'. Waiting a few seconds to change graphics / audio is reasonable. True hacking is priority, but this needs solving none the less.

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*Grabs popcorn and starts reading*

Yeah, okay well. First off, you don't need to hit escape. Alt F4 accesses a core windows function shutting down the infocus program.

I think the only solution is to disable AltF4. Plenty of games do it. So it's certainly possible, especially if Rocket is working for BI now and has full access to the engine code. TF2 does it and it's annoying as hell, because quitting takes a long time and freezes a lot.

Block the AltF4 button so it does nothing like other games do.

Problem solved. Now we just need to worry about escape+abort mid battle.

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*Grabs popcorn and starts reading*

Yeah, okay well. First off, you don't need to hit escape. Alt F4 accesses a core windows function shutting down the infocus program.

I think the only solution is to disable AltF4. Plenty of games do it. So it's certainly possible, especially if Rocket is working for BI now and has full access to the engine code. TF2 does it and it's annoying as hell, because quitting takes a long time and freezes a lot.

Block the AltF4 button so it does nothing like other games do.

Problem solved. Now we just need to worry about escape+abort mid battle.

Alt F4 does not work unless you hit escape.

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Sorry to disappoint :(

Sorry if I seemed a bit blunt. As it stands there have been a lot of suggestions how to stop the whole alt+f4 thing, but most of them aren't possible until the standalone comes out due to limitations of the Arma2 engine.

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