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Looking to Team Up

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I live on the east coast (USA), getting a little tired of playing by myself. It's not my kind of thing to look for friends on a forum, but what the hell.

  • I am decently geared. I have most basic tools, some nice weapons... (willing to share)
  • Any number of people is fine. One, two... twenty.
  • I'm capable of voice chat, though I don't mind if you are not.
  • I'm relatively new, but I wouldn't call myself a noob. I learn fast and have done my research.
  • If you intend to lead me into a spot so you can shoot me in the head and take my things, at least say something clever and entertaining when I get there. (Play an Admiral Ackbar sound file or something)

Contact me on steam or xfire, my name should be Xucphra or xucphra100 for either one.


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Hey I wanna team up too. I'm well geared and have some experience. Never played with others, but I think it could be nice. Im from portugal, but since I only play at night (from 21 to 04 GMT) I think its possible. You do not have skype?

Edited by edjpa

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I find more than one Xucphra on steam. add me instead: Hill Arious

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I also live on the east coast. I'd be glad to team up.

Skype name: AaronDayZ

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I would like to team up as well my gears ok and would be willing to travel far for a team mate

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I don't use skype. Wouldn't there be a ping problem for one of us if we tried to play on the same server?

Edited by Xucphra

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I don't use skype. Wouldn't there be a ping problem for one of us if we tried to play on the same server?

ingame voice chat or even typing works fine for me too

steam name: ap551

Edited by Foals

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I dont think there will be any problems, I've been playing in US servers all the time because I only play at night time in real life (so european servers mean night for me in game :))

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Xucphra, me and foals are teaming up. come and join us!

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