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Yatta (DayZ)

To those banned recently: did you set your launch param to -cpucount=4?

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On the other topic, some people were discussing the setup they were using when they were banned. If you take a look at them, there's a similarity: -cpucount=4.

As a result, if you were banned in the mass banning which took place recently, if possible, could you report if you were using a version after 95660, your approximate ingame location at the time of the ban (to prove or dispel the rumor that you're banned under certain situations if you go to the NW Airfield), and most importantly, if you were running with -cpucount=4. Maybe for good measure, toss in some system specs. You can hit winkey + R, then enter dxdiag to view your system specs.

For ease, you can use this form to answer these questions:

Version number :

Approx. ingame location :

-cpuCount=4 :

Additional info:


Now, for my own ban...

Version number : 95777

Approx. ingame location : Not a clue

-cpuCount=4 : Yes

Additional info: i7-870 core, win7 x64, ATI HD 5770

Edited by Yatta

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Version number : 95660

Approx. ingame location : NW of Berezino / South of the NE Airstrip

-cpuCount=4 : Yes

Additional info: i5 2500k, GTX560Ti, w7 x64

This has nothing to do with the bans, but aye I like it

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It's possible that there's something in the update that's causing an issue if you run the game on a quad core. Unlikely, but possible.

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Guest Dwarden

not related, not possible, someone close this FUD ...

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Not necessarily, Dwarden. BattlEye is partially client side, isn't it? If something regarding how quadcores are handled in the client that causes the client to act in a way BattlEye doesn't like, then there's the possibility that -cpucount=4 can cause issues with BattlEye. Right now, we know as a fact that simply running 95660+ alone will not cause issues. There're unknown additional issues when it comes to the bans. Judging from the similarities from that other thread, this might be one of them.

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*417, set to 4 cores, no ban.

I think you're making this far more complex than it actually is. If they ever give out a concrete answer for this I'd put even money on it having nothing to do with any configuration option on the client.

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Well, the reasoning is that this is client side, thus why all the bans are on version 95660 or later. Something was changed that, when mixed with other factors, is triggering these bans. The question is, what? Programs don't ban at random. Something benign is causing BE to issue bans.

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Well, the reasoning is that this is client side, thus why all the bans are on version 95660 or later. Something was changed that, when mixed with other factors, is triggering these bans. The question is, what? Programs don't ban at random. Something benign is causing BE to issue bans.

Just because you upgraded arma2 doesn't mean a client config issue---outside of the version of arma 2 itself---is involved.

It could just as easily be a communications error in the 95660 client/server communication that only occurs under special circumstances.

In any case testing on the client side is impossible because you can't control all the variables such that you guarantee only one variable is changed per test. You'd need a lab environment for that, with your own hive and BE architectures.

Basically you're wasting your time outside of the enjoyment you're gaining trying to figure this out. :)

Edited by random51

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Just because you upgraded arma2 doesn't mean a client config issue---outside of the version of arma 2 itself---is involved.

It could just as easily be a communications error in the 95660 client/server communication that only occurs under special circumstances.

In any case testing on the client side is impossible because you can't control all the variables such that you guarantee only one variable is changed per test. You'd need a lab environment for that, with your own hive and BE architectures.

Basically you're wasting your time outside of the enjoyment you're gaining trying to figure this out. :)

What you say is very true. But right now, I'm still in a mild state of shock. I guess I'm acting irrationally. I really hope it's something like a communication error... I mean, it's unlikely since I've got a seemingly unique ban ID, and my client had to get that ID from somewhere, correct? Depending on how BE is set up, well, you know...

Either way, I hope this gets resolved soon.

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Version number: 95883

Apporx. ingame location: NW Balota

-cpuCount=4: No

Additional info: i5 2500 quad 3.3 ghz, 8gb ram, gtx gainward 550 ti, win7 64bit

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the big question to me is: why cant i play but i can see many very full server?

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lol intel kids having problems?

Time to get with the times and go AMD

the amd support sucks and its shitty quality... anyways... i can play again

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