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Got hacker? probs..

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had a group of 3 players with the same clan tag join my server last night, 30 seconds after they joined one of them was banned for hacking by BE 2 min later he is back in my server and strange shit starts happening... such as im finding ammo crates with satchel charges in them lying around/ had a couple hordes of zeds spawn on me in the outskirts or stary nory and mogilievka all zeds were aggroed and these things only occure when these 3 players are all on. im not going to be frapsing this crap since it wont help my case im thinking i will just kick them when they join. considering one was BE banned and then magically unbanned after only 2 min, dont know how to fuck with the logs much and from what i can tell i could just type this crap out in notepad........ if any dayz staff have an objection to this let me know... since im sorta at a loss as to what to do with this bullshit.

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if your a admin and dont want them on your server, just lock it and or reset the server?

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well this is satisfying lol... one of them joined my server last night and got a global ban :)

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