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[TRADE] Looking for Mk 48 Mod 0

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Looking a Mk 48 with a few belts.

Willing to offer:




Bizon PP19 SD

SVD Camo


Have other stuff, if you're looking something in particular just ask.

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i take the svd camo were you at you alone ? what kind of gear u have >? do u have a chopper are you an admin ?

Edited by pvthoch

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my friends got a mk 48, im sure he will be willing to trade for the l85 AWS... we picked one up a few days ago and lost it to hackers at thunderdome....and were looking to get another one. hes not on currently but if you dont find a legit trade msg me later in the day and we can meet up.

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I'll be conducting this trade tomorrow night, around 22:00 GMT.

I'll be alone, and will only be carrying the items requested from me, and I ask you to do the same.

All trades done on Skype (No TS or Ventrilo)

Once trades are complete, your details will go into the reputable traders thread.

Again, if you're interested in this PM me, don't reply in this topic guys!

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