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AAA (DayZ)

US 559 - hacker

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30 minutes ago, i met a guy in the middle top north of the map.

I was looting a random camp when i heared a guy "friendly, follow me". The camp was full of ammo, camo, etc but nothing wrong with it i think.

Then i followed him, because i was curious and scared (even if i was with a as50, guillie, and all of the best stuff ^^), he showed me an other camp with a truck and tents then show me an other place with a chopper. With no fuel and a lot of broken glass. He told me that was a gift, but it was unflyable, too destroyed i think. I told him that i didn't know how to fly (and i don't know how to) , Then he repair it in one second and took me to Eletrko, but crash us in a forest in the middle of the map.

His nick was PantHer - US 559 - 09/08/2012 - 22h30 to 23h UTC+1 (paris madrid).

Clues :

- no special items or equipements, just like a naked noob that just spawn from the beach. With a AS50 and only a coyote pack (the one we begin with).

- 3 camps and 2 with vehicles.

- instant repair the chopper.

- too friendly to be honest.

I did'nt killed him because i was suspecting him to be a cheater, if i've killed him he would have known my nick and then killed me in return.

He talk me by voice and message (so i know his nick), but was very fuzzed or unclear in his words, he never told me why i should have followed him.

PS : sorry, i'm french, my english is not very fluent ^^

PS2 : also on other guy was killed by a friendly fire, we did'nt note the nickname but is it a hack ?

PS3 : sorry if it's not a hacker, but i have serious doubts

Edited by AAA

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