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Looking for team/group

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Looking for a group of players to play the game with, the usual people I play with are very inactive at the moment and its kinda boring playing on my own.

Im 23/UK/Male and I've been playing for around a month.. I am on late most nights (including tonight) so this would suit both EU and USA players... I'm looking for 18+ only please.

I'm not a bandit but do enjoy firefights and tactical play rather than just 'surviving'.

Please leave your Steam add name if you are interested in playing together, thanks!

Edited by pirlo
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well i use skype or teamspeak to communicate but you can hit me up on steam i am 18 and i am not a bandit either and i also play the game tactically

hit me up if you want

steam username: General420man

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UNSIGNED_INTEGER and I'm about to go on now.

EDIT: Changed my name today and forgot, the above is my curent one

Edited by DanTheBadMan

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