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Lasers & clickers/animal calls.

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Whats the possibility of some signaling utilities? eg:

Laser pointer - can be used to point at an object silently signaling an attack, move etc to team mates. Can also be used to point at someone across a field, they'd see the flash and know where you are.

(...maybe even used to distract a zombie if they see the dot, or alert them to you pos if you flash them?)

Pen light - small flash light, that provides little light (2-3m) but can be used to create a small flash if pointed at a player 50-100m away.

Cant be used effectively as a light source. can signal players.

Bird call - like a duck whistle, could be used to signal to other players in the area with out alerting the Zs who think its just a duck.

(...maybe, alert Zs in a city, where the noise wouldn't necessarily occur?)

Clicker - same deal as bird call, just a different noise. (vid attached)

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I like this idea, especially the distracting of zombies with Lasers, like kittens. Cute little zombies.

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I was thinking the exact same thing, especially the CLICKER!


Rocket, you should really think about building it into the character, but in order for it to work everyone needs to have it from the start. A clicker would be fantastic, you will give EVERYONE a way of speech. Regardless of headset or language. The community will automaticly invent some sort of language, bandits and survivors will agree new signals all the time.

Why i think you should have a clicker in DayZ

-Easy way of expressing (bind it to single key like watch or compas), does not endanger you!

-Clear distinctive noise, can be heard quite a while away, nigt or day!

-Does not reveal location at once!

-Endless sound combinations!

-no headset-mic-language barrieres!

But in order for making this bigger and more accepted then even the Q and E dance, the salute or lowering your gun, you would have to give it other uses eventually: if Rocket decides to implement that the zombies check out a noise first curiously before becomming agro when they have visual confirmation, then you can make it so that the zombies slowly start stumbling towards the clicking noise too if they hear it. This way you could endanger yourself or friends (or enemy's :P) by clicking, also you could lure zombies away from a barn while your buddy loots or maybe you could lure away farm animal with it? so that you can shoot them safely?

I think this idea might be a step towards fixing how delicate the balance between bandit and survivor is! I think allot of times people kill eachother because they can't communicate or didn't have the chance. If we all agree that 2 "clicks" means friendly it will already make a change.

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I think the radios that rocket is going to implement will cover all of the features you mentioned.

Also wrong forum.

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Give the compass a clicking noise when opened, that should give some exiting moments :) Unfortunately the usual suspects will find a way to annoy the crap out of everybody with the noise.

Laser? eh sure, include it on a military weapon found at the Barracks.

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