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Looking for a Team.

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As the title says.

I've been playing DayZ for a decent amount of time. Been around the entire map mostly by myself. I had the chance to play with a real life friend for awhile but he flakes way too easily and never wants to play anymore (apparently artifacting makes this game unplayable).

I'd like to describe myself as a versatile player that leans towards wanting to mostly survive, but being by myself for the majority of time played has made it to where I have to only look after myself. I abide by KOS simply because if I don't I'll likely die (read the forums for five minutes if you don't believe me). I'd like to change that by hopefully teaming up with a few nice, well-rounded individuals to actually make this game far more fun to play. DayZ is what you make of it after all.

I've got everything I need to be a commodity to a team. Microphone, skype, teamspeak.... balls. I'm also familiar enough with a greater portion of DayZ's environment so navigation isn't an issue. My time is UTC -6 (Mid-West US) and I typically have a decent window of time to play (jobs pending).

I don't have a preferred server and typically choose one depending on what time I'm able to play or if said server works with my game.

I don't server-hop for loot. I'm not interested in a large-scale clan as I prefer smaller group dynamics.

I'm in my mid-twenties and would like to team-up with people either around a similar age or older.

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Well I'm not part of a team but I'd like to join up with ya. Only been playing on and off for a month now so don't get mad if I don't know all the towns and such. I have Skype and TS as well so that's no problem. I play mostly at night (UTC/GMT -5).

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Add me on Skype or Steam, Clerkius. I've got a server setup, today.

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I've recently upgraded to DayZ Commander and have started really enjoying Lingor.

I'm still looking for people to team up with. I have little to no gear but know to kit myself out relatively fast.

Please send a PM if interested and we can relay skype, TS, or vent. I'm presently at work but will be home in a few hours looking to play.

Oh! And I'm not opposed to clans, I just prefer smaller ones.

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Bump. Still playing Lingor and looking for a group that would like to do the same!

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Bump. Have begun to work on a small base on the server I'm using. Even found like six vehicles the other day. >.< Wrecked one UAV and had to go back and get another.

Once I establish a good base of operation I plan on playing medic.

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I now have experience with repairing a multitude of vehicles. I'm also well versed in Chernarus, Lingor, and Panthera.

Still looking for semi-active individuals wanting to team-up.

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Id love to team up with you. Im more of a hero type. After playing two and a half months of DayZ ive only killed two people. One was my first kill as a bandit and ive regretted that kill since. The other was out of self defense. Anyway add me on skype (casino1894) or steam (Reliquent). Ive just started playing Panthera. Just found a DMR. On chernarus im a fresh newbie. Died by a hacker recently.

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Reliquent, I added you on Skype with a short message of who I am so you could recognize me. Haven't seen you log on.

I've been playing on a Chernarus map lately and have established a small base-camp.

The community seems okay, but an ass-hat seems to have hogged the helicopter. I believe he's a bandit too.

I've been playing at night just before morning, waiting to get a good heli-spawn so I can tear down that heli with some good ol' 50 calibur fun. ^^

If you're interested in some mercenary work / man-hunting please let me know.

At present I have a good cashe of arms and ammo with a UAV and Pickup truck.

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