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What is this? bad serial key, No entry, Wrong cd key errors, nothing helps!

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Ok, So i have had this issue running for soon a week and i've spent like half a day every day just to figure out what the problem is, I have read every single thread i've gotten over so no point Linking it, i've probably tried it already. so I have tried every thread i've found. and i still get Bad serial key given in setup (while launching in six updater) And if i lauch operation arrowhead i get this No entry bullshit. and when i try to install latest Beta patch i get "Wrong CD KEY" this is really really frustrating and it makes me upset, it almost make me want hackers.. because not being able to play a game you want to play is fucking annoying.

I have also lost faith in you guys on the forum, because you ALLWAYS link the same BULLSHIT and there is nothing new adding up. so I guess this wont get me anywhere, but in hope for it to do so, I do it. because i really want to play this game.

I have Tried it without DAYZ, I HAVE tried to reinstall the game 4x I have Restarded my computer, I have ran the game in administrator, I have.... i have followed every single step on every forum thread i have looked on... i cant get anywhere!

if you gonna troll, then please go waste your fucking life else where, i am here to get help, not listen to retarded people posting something totally off topic, thanks.

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"wrong cd key" at beta patch installation does not make any problems, no entry stuff like sunglasses... does not make any trouble, too. No need to worry about. Play.

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Well. You should be able to play. The 2 error messages I mentioned are nothing critical.

You don't need to reinstall or anything nearly everbody gets this messages.

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then why cant i play what so ever what i try to do? :S

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You make something other wrong. Install the beta patch manually, install dayz manually and launch the game out of your operation arrowhead beta folder and enable dayz mod. Restart--- play is the easiest way when sixupdater or dayzcommander fails.

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well when i try to install the beta i get wrong cd key..... i cant install the Beta ._.

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Gradan is right....The Wrong CD key when installing the Beta you dont have to care about...just click ok....

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this is only a message. It does not say that the installation has failed.

The beta has been installed look there: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta --->ArmA2OA.exe there is the beta version-

in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\

is the regular client: ArmA2O.exe


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