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Femme Fatale

This sound like fun?

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When and if they allow us to password protect our servers, would be nice if there was a way to get everyone to start from scratch...no stockpiles nothing you login as did on your very first day playing DayZ!

To set this up I imagine having a signup sheet for people interested in this then we select 40 players (survivors and bandits alike..hackers are kos then banned as always) that hopefully honor the rules, I know its hard to give up the goodies we all have accumulated but i think this could be so much fun if done correctly!

Would any of you be interested in this type of server?

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These already exist, they are called private hive servers.

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These already exist, they are called private hive servers.

What he said, they normally have increased spawn rates etc, and no password protection.

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Well that's not quite what I was looking for, will wait for the implementation of the password then see if this idea is a bit more viable! ;)

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