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runner (DayZ)

middle of nowhere. Way back?

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Because of a hacker suddenly all players were at the same spot.

Hill surrounding not trees whatever. I alt+f4 because of this shì#t.But now on every server I join I am still at the same spot. Is there any way how I can get back on the map without killing myself because it would be really nice to keep

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Look for Powerlines.

This way won't let you know precisely where you are, but it will guide you to a town or a city. Follow the powelines in the direction you think is South (mostly because that's where Elektro and Cherno are). I'm assuming you're out of food and water and need to restock. Those major cities might be your best bet. You also might pass through some small townships.

Wait for sunrise/sunset.

Watch for where the sun rises and sets. If need be, server-hop to one that the sun is rising in. Server hopping is That way you can see which way is East and West.


Columbus sure didn't have electronics to guide him to what he thought was an Asian continent. You don't need one either. Look up in the sky to see if you can find the Little Dipper. Then, head away from the pan handle. That should take you south, if I'm correct.

Ask around.

Talk with nearby players in game to see if they can tell you where the nearest town is. Watch out for bigger rifles, though ;D

If you go onto a thread that does Emergency Evac's, they can probably help you out if you find a town to give a location at.

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nope i dont have it

@Dysentery Gary

Thanks for the answer :)

But with middle of nowhere i literally meant middle of nowhere.

It seems to be outside of the normal map and my question is if I can get back without killing myself.

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Yes its possible, It sounds exactly like you are in the debug forest, You need to run EAST ( same way clouds are moving) until you get back to the real map.Its a long run. Good luck


Edited by Tagara

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