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Insider information about a plan tonight. Sabotage it!

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I'm really starting to hate the people who post this kind of shit on the public forums. Camp locations, raids, etc. I've never had anything of mine called out before, and I don't think I ever will but it's just retarded in my opinion. Leave that shit for the regulars who play on that specific server, because it's just inviting every retard with scripts to join that server and cause mayhem.

Why not? It's part of the game. (It's called Meta-Game, google it.)

And from your last statement, I feel like you claim anyone who snipes you while trying to snipe Stary Sobor is a "hacker".

Stop assuming everyone is a scripter. Evan had a M4A1 M203 (Or whatever one has a grenade launcher), I had an AS50, and they all had rifles and such

:Edit: I see the AS50 TWS, do you know how many of these I have from killing kids who have them? They might as well be added back into the game.

Honestly, dealing with the amount of people whining about hackers ruining everything (Which isn't true. I've ran into 2-3 hackers) is just as bad as dealing with hackers themselves.

Edited by Masis
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Satchel is at 13:20. Have fun.

You Alt-F4'd at 15:32.

That was my round that took him down.

Edited by Masis
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Another perspective starting in north of kamyshovo, waiting for the bus. we guess that the guy we overrolled is the killer of novac. he had an thermal vision.

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did that include the initial spot? I would have liked to see that.

Sorry. Maybe it's my bad english, but I don't understand your question. Can you rephrase it? There are no more fraps recorded gameplays.

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I was asking if you had footage of the guy seeing me, in the video they had already started shooting. You just answered my question though.

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