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More emphasis on melee weapons over firearms

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Obviously this is only a suggestion for when melee weapons are better introduced, but I still think it's a fairly reasonable one.

Basically as the title says, make melee weapons the 'main' group of weapons, those most commonly found and used.

Not only would this add to the realism of the game (since when do you walk into a fire station and find assault rifles lying about, or climb onto the top of your local town hall to find a pistol), but it would also have an interesting effect on banditry and kill on sight.

Making guns harder to find will make it a hell of a lot less likely to be up and shot while sneaking through the streets of a city. It's a lot more difficult to murder someone for the hell of it when you have to run up to them and get in range of their own melee weapon than it is to sit on a hill with an old bolt-action rifle.

I don't mean get rid of firearms by any means, as they are a core part of the game (including the military weapons), it would just be interesting to shift the focus to melee--make guns a lot rarer, especially down south, and let people use wooden planks, knives etc. as their main defence against the infected and the living.

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would be sweet to see a machete and a kukri knife in game.

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I do and do not agree.

This game is developed on a shooter and I think a lot of people are attracted to that aspect of game play. With the ease of death, making these items hard to get would probably anger a lot of people.

However I do think there needs to be a lot more melee weapons, perhaps if weapons spawns where reduced by 50%, so they're still actively ingame but that 50% that was removed was replaced by other forms of melee weapons. It would greatly reduce who has what but not make it hard to find guns.

I don't know, it is an interesting issue that will probably need some type of look over come standalone. Perhaps even if there were server options to spawn guns or not to. Would create melee pvp servers and gun servers. A completely different form of pvp combat that could help the games over all life span.

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