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Future of sniping in DayZ

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I would dare to say I know something about rifles, especially in real life from what I see in your post clearly I know more than you:) But your opinion is your opinion, of course.

And yes I know what bullet drop is. What about read some previous posts before you start writing? I was just naming some factors that affects bullet and bullet drop is one of those factors even if it is in game.

Think what you want, but the zeroing in this game is funny. You have rangefinders, you have map waypoints... It is not about estimating range at all, even people who don't know how to use mil-dots to meassure the distance can estimate it pretty well because of these things.

I think you really don't know what spin drift really means when you shot with sniper rifle. Spin stabilizes the projectile, improving its aerodynamic, stability and accuracy.

Each fired bullet is spining and if the bullet flies a longer time the spin affects the trajectory:O It is called derivation and the bullet moves in direction of the spin. The derivation is every shot the same but if you shot at long range you should take it into account.

And you are telling me sniping in this game isn't easy? You have plenty of ammo so why not take some semi-automatic sniper and fire full mag at the target. Even if he is moving as best as he can one of bullet will evntualy hit him. And sniping in real life is not like this at all. And if you add more factors which affects the trajectory of bullet it will be closer to reality.

It is funny how people think I am being killed by snipers. I have no such a problem, currently I have my favourite rifle, DMR and 15 murders:/


Edited by *Scarecrow*

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The only problem with snipers and every other high tech weapon is DUPING! Put shit on tent, save, then take them off and after the restart voilá you've just doubled your shit. That's the reason why about every other having AS50 or M107... Secondly if you are playing on servers without range visible it's much much harder to estimate the range. Unless ofcourse you have rangefinders. Without rangefinder it requires dot-mil/chevron knowledge or pure guessing and if you dial 100 m over or under it will be a miss and that's not an ideal situation for a sniper. Not to mention if the target is moving at the distance, you wont take the shot unless you are certain you will hit or you are just a newb sniper. Though I must agree with some of the posters that I would much rather see less mil-grade snipers in the game, INCLUDING red dot assault rifles and other high tech toys.

Another thing is AS50 and M107 are useless at night because they don't work with NVGs. At night skilled DMR is your worst enemy. B)

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If someone catches you in an ambush and opens up on you with most any rifle you will die unless they suck, what is the difference if it is within 200m and they are using an assault rifle or over 300m and they are using a sniper?

I think the biggest issue with snipers or why it is so easy is that peole play on regular servers and are able to instant range people with a mouse wheel, this makes zeroing very easy. There is also a very easy solution, don't play on a regular server, boom over.

Ranging based on waypoints is also something that makes zeroing easier, but doing this requires the sniper to be in position and research his area, I think this is fairly authentic even though the player is using the game engine to tell him distances rather than measure/know them. If you are activley ranged with way points, ie they do it while they see you, you're not moving enough and its your own fault because it takes time and the sniper would be switching screens and not have you visible for periods of time.

Duping of rangefinders is another issue but thats duping and will hopefully be taken care of at some point.

Why do you think many games don't factor in ballistics at all, its because all of those calculations have to occur somewhere and this eats FPS. To include more variables like dynamic wind would eat alot of FPS and introduce alot of lag thats why it doesn't exist in MP.

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If someone catches you in an ambush and opens up on you with most any rifle you will die unless they suck, what is the difference if it is within 200m and they are using an assault rifle or over 300m and they are using a sniper?

I think the biggest issue with snipers or why it is so easy is that peole play on regular servers and are able to instant range people with a mouse wheel, this makes zeroing very easy. There is also a very easy solution, don't play on a regular server, boom over.

Ranging based on waypoints is also something that makes zeroing easier, but doing this requires the sniper to be in position and research his area, I think this is fairly authentic even though the player is using the game engine to tell him distances rather than measure/know them. If you are activley ranged with way points, ie they do it while they see you, you're not moving enough and its your own fault because it takes time and the sniper would be switching screens and not have you visible for periods of time.

Duping of rangefinders is another issue but thats duping and will hopefully be taken care of at some point.

Why do you think many games don't factor in ballistics at all, its because all of those calculations have to occur somewhere and this eats FPS. To include more variables like dynamic wind would eat alot of FPS and introduce alot of lag thats why it doesn't exist in MP.

Stupid tapatalk lolServer side claculations would be fine once the zombie ai and loot preformance is optimized Edited by Orthus

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I didn't say it couldn't be done, I said it eats resources and many designers would rather dedicated those resources to other things. If a single server model or mutliple linked BI run servers are the goal then maximizing the number of players and Z's will be a priority, running all that Z AI will be eating a ton of resources and IMO I'd rather have that then dynamic wind/spin drift.

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Another thing that would help is a map without towns sitting in the middle of massive meadows with sniper nests all around. As it stands now when entering and looting towns you basically have to hang your arse in the air and hope somebody is not waiting to snipe you.

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I honestly think they should for example completely remove tents as well, or at least make them carry less stuff. It ruins the game IMO:)

Edited by *Scarecrow*

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If sniper rifles & range finders are common, it's because of hacking & duping... I've been playing this game like an addict since I discovered it a few weeks ago and I've NEVER found NVG or range finders spawned (found them on bodies tho)... same for .50 cal snipers... All I've found is the CZ and a DMR... and both we're deleted from my bag due to some sort of inventory glitch

Also, I wouldn't call sniping easy in this game, I get it's not 100% realistic right now, but nor is it the quick scoping joke that it is in CoD.

If something needs to be fixed about the sniping, it nothing to do with the guns at all, and more to do with how the game draws things like grass... player crawling thru tall grass might think he's concealed (and should be)... player 500m away says "wow, look at that moron crawling around in the wide open". I get this is not an easy thing to change, but I'd say this is the bigger issue when it comes to realism

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Sniping is too easy, just implement ACE sniping requirements and we are good. Haha, people think they are sharpshooters in DayZ, but they dont even know that IRL there is a wind factor that influence alot in the accuracy :3

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i personally think sniping would be good without thermal.

the duping has turned the game into sniper wars for like 50% of the population and the rest learning how to play dayz / screwing around

maybe if u got rid of the as50 and made like dmr and svd's(the main arsenal) + no thermal.

would leave a lot of room for skill.

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True. L85 should be also removed now when there is so many scripters...

Another funny thing about sniping or it doesn't even have to be sniping is that when you are hiden in bushes and shot through leaf the bullet stops. The bullet which can go through windows etc. and doesn't penetrate leaf... Should be fixed:)

Edited by *Scarecrow*

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I think the game is fine as it is.

I think you guys have forgotten that this is firstly, a game, and second, no one would want to take the time to factor in wind speed, bullet drop, etc. It would take all the fun out of the game. This isn't real life, it's a game.

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I think the game is fine as it is.

I think you guys have forgotten that this is firstly, a game, and second, no one would want to take the time to factor in wind speed, bullet drop, etc. It would take all the fun out of the game. This isn't real life, it's a game.

I think that you have forgotten that this thread is nearly a year old. I'm sure there were newer threads regarding sniping you could have posted on, since we get a new one every day.

And bullet drop is already in the game.

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