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My first experience as a Bandit.

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After being murdered by a Survivor in some apartment blocks in Chernogorsk, I was less willing to trust Survivors I met. I spawned at Balota, so I decided to hit the airfield near it for some military weapons and ammunition.

I approached the airfield down the runway towards the hangars and control tower, hitting the hangars first. I found nothing except a couple of AK magazines, disappointed in my findings.

I then went to the control tower to see what was in there. Someone had barb wired the ladder, so I knew someone was nearby. I decided I would take the risk, seeing as I didn't have much to risk. I found a AK74 Kobra in the tower. Just what I needed! Heading down the control tower, I found some more magazines and some bandages.

I went to the bottom floor door only to encounter barbed wire. But I remembered someone in chat talking about the possibility of vaulting over it! I tried to vault it and it worked, so I decided I would run to the forest north, then east towards some smaller towns.

I turned around and saw someone vaulting over the barbed wire. He was following me! I shot him twice in the head, his limp body falling to the ground. For good measure, I shot another 2 rounds into his limp body, finishing the deed.

I knew now I had to get the hell out of here incase any of his friends heard my shots. My heart was pounding, my hands shaking. I ran north to the wire fence, until I heard some rustling behind me.

I turned around, and there was a survivor prone on the ground, facing toward his friend's lifeless corpse. I took aim, and fired 2 more AK bullets into the back of his skull, his lifeless body hitting the ground, flies beginning to swirl around it.

I took what supplies I needed off their bodies and made haste out of the area, waiting for my friends to arrive. I'm not sure if they were planning an ambush on me or wanted me to vacate the area, but I feel that I did what I had to, and thus began my life as a bandit.

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Funny I murdered someone last night (my local time) in an apparment block in the northern par of Cherno. Maybe it was me?

I play as a survivor, and was looting happily in the blocks when suddenly someone outside fired at me. I heard the shots land in the appartment, so I was sure someone wanted me dead. Taking no chances after all my last characters had been murdered by both bandits and survivors, I went to cover the stairs, expecting my assailant to come up. I heard footsteps and there he was! Bang, bang! Two rounds with my newly acquired Winchester, he went down. He was a survivor, so I was now technically a bandit. Dang!

It was on one of the Hardcore servers... If it was you, I am truly sorry!

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Funny I murdered someone last night (my local time) in an apparment block in the northern par of Cherno. Maybe it was me?

I play as a survivor' date=' and was looting happily in the blocks when suddenly someone outside fired at me. I heard the shots land in the appartment, so I was sure someone wanted me dead. Taking no chances after all my last characters had been murdered by both bandits and survivors, I went to cover the stairs, expecting my assailant to come up. I heard footsteps and there he was! Bang, bang! Two rounds with my newly acquired Winchester, he went down. He was a survivor, so I was now technically a bandit. Dang!

It was on one of the Hardcore servers... If it was you, I am truly sorry!


Haha no, it probably wasn't you. I was with a friend and someone fired at us as we were walking past the apartment block. We ran into the building, and he walked in and won a gun battle against me, my friend didnt have much ammunition left to finish him off.

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My first Experience as a Bandit, after playing for about a week and getting killed by bandits almost every hour. I decided to take revenge, so i found a CZ and headed off to Cherno. it was pitch black so only using crappy Chem lights I made my way into this tower of sorts. I waited a bit, then I saw a group of survivors run into the church and throw flares everywhere. Luckily my prey decided to show up crouch walking around the side with a M4 (don't know which one) so I took my aim. But of course something ridiculously stupid happens the survivors run out of the church and towards the Bandit they hadn't seen, he started shooting them with his M4 until I finally blew his brains out, then the retarded Survivors started looting the body of my prey so I then quickly dispersed of them before evacuating the tower as a million zombies where inbound on my position.

Looted all their bodies and got myself an m4 with 2 mags and about every tool you could get. then I thought I should do this more often and that is how I started my Career as both a Bandit Hunter and a Bandit.

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