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Hello there fellow bandits!

Our bandit group made up of 5 guys atm are searching for new blood to fill our ranks with. we are seeing in a near future that we expand the group to about 8-10 players!

What we do atm:

At the moment we have set up camp in the woods in the north. We are currently scouting the countryside for vehicles and engineparts etc for vehicle repairs. The goal is to get atleast 1 functional vehicle so we can establish raid groups on towns. We also hunt for survivors and player gangs that are well equipped.

What is the requirements to join us ?

* Being able to understand or speak Swedish ( Since we are swedish )

* have a hang about the game and its mechanics.

* Have a starting gear and atleast something with more firepower than a makarov.

* being able to survive solo cut off from the rest.

* Being able to follow orders and have a feel for tactics.

* Maturity and +18 years old atleast.

you can contact me on steam (Vicious) or (Warpig) for more info!

Remember its all about the beans.

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