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DayZ PvP vs PvE poll:  

200 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of PvE (servers or zones with no player killing)

    • I don't think there should be a PvE option , that's not DayZ
    • I think there should be a PvE option.
    • I want both so people can choose.
    • If they add PvE i'm out of here.
    • If they don't add PvE I'll play something else instead.
    • I don't care stop wasting my time.

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"so you admit you want the non-PVP lambs to stick around, so your not surrounded by only players who actualy want to PVP ???

yea i thought so.."

You guys are pretty pathetic. Listen to what im saying.

actually prefer playing with people and cooperating rather than killing other people but I can also see that the game needs to exist a single entity containing both types of player to preserve what makes it great.

Edited by Strategos

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actually prefer playing with people and cooperating rather than killing other people but I can also see that the game needs to exist a single entity containing both types of player to preserve what makes it great.

I’m not immediately convinced by this simply because I don’t think there is any one thing that makes Dayz ‘great’. One of the cool things about games is that a lot of people can play the same game and get enjoyment from it for very different reasons.

A risk of forcing everyone to play together is that due to conflicting play-styles some people will, in the act of enjoying the game, spoil the enjoyment of others. Personally I think this is a bad thing but likely also something that is not easy to solve.

I’d be interested to know what percentage of the current player base is actually playing the game for the experience originally envisaged by Rocket.

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It's a good point cfnz, and right now there are def issues, big issues.

A standalone product without duping, with less or even better no hacking, with refinements to the pressures applied to players will hopefully put it back on track.

I think alot of the people crying out for servers that dont let people kill each other are a response to the state of the game right now. Not a response to what the game was and hopefully will be again.

We are in alpha , a time for testing. The response to these problems is not to take the game and make two versions of it. The response is to keep on going , see the process through to the end, The vision is sound and even now with all the problems the game still delivers more stress, more fear and tension than any other game I've played.

In the end , DayZ wont be for everyone that's clear, it's harsh and unforgiving. But that is also precisely its strength, if you dilute that you lose the what makes it special. There are no other games that have had the balls to do this.

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Personally, I think snipers hurt the game. I like PvP for this game, but it should have to be down and dirty. Or, at least make sniper ammo crazy, crazy scarce--like 1 round spawns per day, per server, in random corners on the map. Or, maybe just have the game logic spawn a zombie near anyone who has remained near the same spot for more than a few minutes.

Snipers are way out of balance in the game. In most PvP games with snipers, they are either limited by small maps, limited time, or weak ammo. DayZ has none of these limitations, which has lead to a gross imbalance.

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Having separate PVP and PVE servers would in no way hurt PVP... unless you're one of those PVP "professionals" that does nothing but snipe fresh spawns on the coast. Those PVP players would be forced to PVP against people that are willing and able to shoot back 100% of the time.

So yeah, if you're a coast camping douchebag... PVE would be a big threat to you. Your big murder count will go down, but your bandit kill count will probably stay at the big fat goose egg that it's at now.

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Having separate PVP and PVE servers would in no way hurt PVP... unless you're one of those PVP "professionals" that does nothing but snipe fresh spawns on the coast. Those PVP players would be forced to PVP against people that are willing and able to shoot back 100% of the time.

So yeah, if you're a coast camping douchebag... PVE would be a big threat to you. Your big murder count will go down, but your bandit kill count will probably stay at the big fat goose egg that it's at now.

^^^this guy gets it^^^

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Personally, I think snipers hurt the game. I like PvP for this game, but it should have to be down and dirty. Or, at least make sniper ammo crazy, crazy scarce--like 1 round spawns per day, per server, in random corners on the map. Or, maybe just have the game logic spawn a zombie near anyone who has remained near the same spot for more than a few minutes.

Snipers are way out of balance in the game. In most PvP games with snipers, they are either limited by small maps, limited time, or weak ammo. DayZ has none of these limitations, which has lead to a gross imbalance.

Maybe snipers could be more rare maybe not, but as a weapon system they should totally outclass others shooting long range. And because this is a giant open world you have the ability to shoot from some long ranges, thats what a sniper should be doing. Their should be no balance to anything other than what naturally occurs, yes Sniper systems are very deadly, they should be. They suck within 100m, unless you play on a CH server but who does that? There is plenty you can do to defend yourself from a sniper, its not like you *Have* to go to NW or Stary or Chern you are choosing to.

Having separate PVP and PVE servers would in no way hurt PVP... unless you're one of those PVP "professionals" that does nothing but snipe fresh spawns on the coast. Those PVP players would be forced to PVP against people that are willing and able to shoot back 100% of the time.

So yeah, if you're a coast camping douchebag... PVE would be a big threat to you. Your big murder count will go down, but your bandit kill count will probably stay at the big fat goose egg that it's at now.

It doesn't hurt the players, it hurts DayZ as a project. Have you read any of this thread, its been explained multiple times, PVE means more DEV work that is taken away from the "Original" game. This means a crappy product for both PVP and PVE, and the minute this becomes some re-done all satisfying standard mmorpg/fps the project dies.

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I've played on a private hive PVE server for a couple days. Get's really boring really fast. Zombies are simply not a threat right now and knowing you're not going to get gunned down by some random player seems to ruin the experience.

Strangely, that feeling is completely different from knowing you're going to get murdered by some hacker douche.

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Thanks for the input Super good to hear from someone who has tried it.

Lupin, the sniping douchebag issue I believe is a passing phase. Hopefully in Dayz's future there will be different pressures applied to players.

Less high end guns and no more duping / infinite ammo will mean less snipers. More dangerous zombies? = less snipers. A bigger map ? Less snipers.

Players become more aware = less danger.

There are tonnes of solutions that don't involve diluting the whole game. Im pretty sure a real zombie apocalypse wouldnt have a safe mode.

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Well just shy of 200 votes which is a pretty good turn out at the polls for this forum.

63% dont want PvE only content. A solid majority but only 5% feel strongly enough about it to quit over the issue.

29% Want there to be a PvE option but only 1% feel strongly enough to quit over the issue.

Im amused by the 13 people that wasted their time to vote about wasting their time :)

Im reassured by the figures.

Still interested in the topic though maybe a follow up poll about how people play might be interesting, or how they would like to play ideally.

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