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A very nice guy or...

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Hi people.

A few minutes ago i was in a server with a new character and it seems that i spawned near the famous airbase. I went to the hangars to scavenge a little when i found another survivor. He was wielding a carbine at me. I, having only a gun tried to leave quietly, hoping he doesn't want my shitty gun.

The wierdest thing comes now, after i exited the hangar i froze then i found myself equiped with a badass sniper rifle and a big backpack. After being frozen for 10 seconds, i recovered the control and when i check my inventory it was full with advanced gear -GPS, compass, NVG,...- and no sign of this survivor.

What the hell happened? Cheat? Some admin being generous?

I have been playing DayZ since yesterday and i still doesn't know anything about hacks and cheats. Anything to know to get away from them?

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Admin cant do that, probably a hacker equipt you :) but here some quotes for you:

Posted Today, 01:53 PM

Its hacked, but if you grap it its okay to use it Quote from Rocket

snapback.pngrocket, on 26 July 2012 - 01:19 PM, said:


This rumour has no basis to it whatsoever.

Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself.


No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored.

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I though so. I know i won't be banned for this but i'm going to drop everything as soon i play again. There is no fun in a survival game if i'm full geared from start.


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I though so. I know i won't be banned for this but i'm going to drop everything as soon i play again. There is no fun in a survival game if i'm full geared from start.


I like the way you think. This happened to one of my friends the second time he played DayZ, he was rather upset about it since it took away some of the initial challenge.

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look on the bright side it was a hacker encounter who decided not to kill and troll u :P

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Well he did something worse >.< he ruined the game for u :3

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