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MrVoase (DayZ)

Doing the stanky leg in electro!

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How did you do that?

I didn't do anything LOL, it happened to 2 out of the 3 of us randomly lmao, was just sniping, then I took off my gun and starting doing the stanky leg LOL

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Possible hacker? I heared they can do emotes.

YEAH MAN! Because I'm totally going to do a hack on video then put it on the forums of the game im hacking on!!

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YEAH MAN! Because I'm totally going to do a hack on video then put it on the forums of the game im hacking on!!

I think he meant a hacker made you do it...

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Nice work. I also know of the need to bust a move after a hard day of sniping noobs. I've been known to Cabbage Patch my way through the streets of Elektro, buck naked except for a chemlight attached to each nipple.

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Yep, hackers can make your guy do things you don't want him to do.

It's been around a while, but I guess the novelty of nuking and thunderdoming is wearing off so we're onto strutting the funky chicken. At least it's fairly harmless :)

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YEAH MAN! Because I'm totally going to do a hack on video then put it on the forums of the game im hacking on!!

Dumbass, i meant hackers can do that to everyone ............... i never accused the one who made this.

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tbh... im kind of hoping rocket will put the dance moves and so on into the game :P for a little fun when you are sitting at your camp site, waiting for a few friends to show up so you can go scavanging :D

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