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Logistic is recruiting again

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But this time we're being picky. At this point we've recruited people and 'trained' each other in various ways to work together. We're a 'semi-serious' group of players looking for the same people. We're not looking to recruit a lot of people, maybe two to three, so apply and we will speak with you. We play on non-hive servers (cheater free...) so you will have to start from scratch. We will gear you with mid-tiered items until you've proven you can carry your weight - If you can't, you will be removed. We're not a group of up-tight assholes and I hope this post doesn't seem like I'm acting like an ass :\

Anyways, some guidelines:

  • Age 18+ (exceptions may be made, so if you're 16 and think you're mature enough, feel free to apply)
  • Required: Some game sense... Know what the game is about and how to pick which engagements to fight and which ones not to fight.
  • The ability to abide by what you're asked.
  • Maturity is a must. Knowing when to joke and when to shut up is needed.
  • Microphone and the ability to communicate
  • Being active is a plus, if you can play a little bit every other day, you should apply.

These are pretty simple guidelines that I'm sure many people will meet. We'll give you a short interview type of discussion in Teamspeak and we'll get you geared and start fuckin' around. If you prove that you cannot handle any of the guidelines above, you will be removed, so don't take it personally.

Apply if ya want, don't apply if ya don't want ;)

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I want in. I like the thought of a non-hive server and a group to play with actually.

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would be pleased to know about you more before entering (seen one clan which said "mature, 18+" and turned out to be a bunch of inadequate schoolboys)

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Hey, if you are playing on europe servers i would gladly join too. Im 27, been playing arma 2 and OA long time ago, now im back, playing DayZ for 2 days. I like the athmoshpere but im really bored of lonewolf axe searching and crawling without point or knowledge where i can find anything. I would love to see some cooperation i have seen on videos. Im expecting support of the team and offering my commitment in supporting the team in exchange :)

Edited by muniek
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Hey, if you are playing on europe servers i would gladly join too. Im 27, been playing arma 2 and OA long time ago, now im back, playing DayZ for 2 days. I like the athmoshpere but im really bored of lonewolf axe searching and crawling without point or knowledge where i can find anything. I would love to see some cooperation i have seen on videos. Im expecting support of the team and offering my commitment in supporting the team in exchange :)

Would be very pleased to play with you. I bought arma 2 for dayz and play it for some time so we could help each other :) - skype name determined_one

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Would be very pleased to play with you. I bought arma 2 for dayz and play it for some time so we could help each other :) - skype name determined_one

I think 2 unarmed survivors' gameplay wont be much of a change :P . Im looking especially for an organised group that will provide me some rusty pistol, bullets, beans and expect me to be just their loyal brother/ fearless troop or simply a hired gun for a dirty work. Im also a dedicated heli pilot if someone would need one. Been flying long time blackhawk transport back in the arma2 coop days, and some attack helis too, but i doubt they are in DayZ

Blackbird, could you PM me the steam account insetad of skype? Im using skype mainly to work, and i like it divided.

Edited by muniek
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I think 2 unarmed survivors' gameplay wont be much of a change :P . Im looking especially for an organised group that will provide me some rusty pistol, bullets, beans and expect me to be just their loyal brother/ fearless troop or simply a hired gun for a dirty work. Im also a dedicated heli pilot if someone would need one. Been flying long time blackhawk transport back in the arma2 coop days, and some attack helis too, but i doubt they are in DayZ

Blackbird, could you PM me the steam account insetad of skype? Im using skype mainly to work, and i like it divided.

Steam account - SDR_. Well I am armed pretty well and have a lot of useful stuff :P I can give u sidearm now. And as for group - there is another friend i usually play with :)

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