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Thermal (DayZ)

Two bandits get what they deserve (VIDEO)

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These two bandits decided to shoot at our bus and they pretty much wrecked it so we ended up breaking their legs and forcing them to drop their pistols. We then waited for our buddy to pick us up with the helicopter to bring us to a field, after healing them up, this is what we did to them.


Edited by Thermal
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This is the most childish, pety, pathetic movie i have seen on this forum. Not even one grin, just mad for losing valuable time on toddler humor. Not to even mention its lack of originality.

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Absolutely hilarious! Made me giggle :rolleyes:

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Jeez why so raging? Always something different from hiding in bushes 9/10 of time.

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  On 8/9/2012 at 10:11 AM, Uni1987 said:

This is the most childish, pety, pathetic movie i have seen on this forum. Not even one grin, just mad for losing valuable time on toddler humor. Not to even mention its lack of originality.

Oh hey! Watch out everyone, we got a grown up over here... *sarcasm*

Did you bother to read the description on the video?

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  On 8/9/2012 at 10:11 AM, Uni1987 said:

This is the most childish, pety, pathetic movie i have seen on this forum. Not even one grin, just mad for losing valuable time on toddler humor. Not to even mention its lack of originality.

lol... it's a game and the point of a game is to have fun. Also, if you read the description you would see that they deserved it.

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  On 8/9/2012 at 10:14 AM, SteppyZz said:


you obviously didn't read the description like half of this forum.

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If they are bandits why did they drop their pistols? You broke their legs without getting shot yourself? You forced them to come with you to an open field and did all this crap you told them to when they had no gear?

When they could avoid it all by logging out,

Seems a bit fake to me, sorry.

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  On 8/10/2012 at 11:51 AM, Shek said:
When they could avoid it all by logging out,

Seems a bit fake to me, sorry.

Because EVERYONE quits. All those robberies in YouTube, they're just fake!

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Interesting how "bandits that were shooting at your buss" had starter coyote backpack, and didn't have hatchets untill you told them... If it was arranged you suck, and if you just found some guys who just spawned you suck too...

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  On 8/10/2012 at 12:14 PM, Fonzie said:

Because EVERYONE quits. All those robberies in YouTube, they're just fake!

And this is why developers are developing (love that sentence) anti quit features.

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  On 8/9/2012 at 10:11 AM, Uni1987 said:

This is the most childish, pety, pathetic movie i have seen on this forum. Not even one grin, just mad for losing valuable time on toddler humor. Not to even mention its lack of originality.


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It's not fake and one of them already had their hatchets. I'm guessing they both just spawned in cherno because they shot at us while we were passing through. One had a makarov and the other had a 1911, yup pure damage dealers right guys? the fuckin things do 800 damage so if they both decided to shoot we would've killed them. We also had about 6 guys yelling at them on the mic jump out and I yelled leave them alive in ventrillo.

IF they were to have rifles we would just kill them, but since pistols have a damage of a rock thrown at you, we did this.

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You should have lined them up against a barn wall instead and acted as a fire squad :P


Let them run without any gear at all giving them a 5min head start and then you begin the hunt :P

Edited by zin

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Is this scavenger as in the xbox 360 scavenger. If so add me on steam: clockwerksoldier. skype:a1ex.flores. If not then dont.

On Topic: That shit was funny dude.

Double reply, i tried to edit that shit wtf

Edited by Brutal-Hunter

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