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Trading satchel charges for weapons.

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Hey, im willing to trade 4x satchel charges for high-end weapons.

PM me immediately, i'd like to get this done ASAP.

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Whats so good about satchel charges?

Nothing I would say, but they're really rare which makes them desireable.

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What type of weapons you looking for specifically?

What type of weapons you looking for specifically?

Silenced AR, mk 48 mod 0, L85 thermal, SVD camo, m9 silenced pistol, FN fal with nightvision scope, any of these.

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Whats so good about satchel charges?

You can kill people that you are supposed to trade with

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Silenced AR, mk 48 mod 0, L85 thermal, SVD camo, m9 silenced pistol, FN fal with nightvision scope, any of these.

Just a heads up, the only silenced AR in the game is the M4A3 CCO SD. other guns is hacked

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Whats so good about satchel charges?

You can remote detonate buildings and level them. Can kill a lot of people if you know they will step near them too.

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never trusted this guy and never will :D

he looks more fishy then a fish eaten by a bigger fish.

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never trusted this guy and never will :D

he looks more fishy then a fish eaten by a bigger fish.

Not to mention the fact that he has 4 of one of the rarest items in game. Quite likely duped.

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if i could describe how good of a fish he is in my opinion, well let's just say you can make the best sushi or sashimi out of him. that's how fishy he is to me !

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Not to mention the fact that he has 4 of one of the rarest items in game. Quite likely duped.

I found them in a tent.

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i'll give you 1 as50 round for 4 satchel charges :D

i hope you know how to catch

Edited by aru_azif
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I'll give you an AS50. SVD Camo or L8 whatever with the thermals along with a Ghillie and Camo suit. I"ve been farming the barracks for too long and haven't found a single charge. I found all my stuff in a tent too although now the owners are hunting my guys down and stealing all their stuff back along with destroying our trucks that we drive around :c

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