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Cheaters ruins the game each day.

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Yestarday all my efforts ended being turned into rabbit.

Today on different server (DE 242) suddenly all players were moved into same location and ben shot.

Is there any secure server? Whats the point putting effort in the game if there is a huge chance some idiot gonna ruin it all for everyone and move to another server to do the same there?

Edited by muniek

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You'll have better luck on lower population servers as it obviously promotes the logic of less players, less plausibility of a hacker though it does take some fun out of it if you enjoy the large population experience. Just have to be patient with the mod and BattleEye to sort through the issues.

I feel for you though, I've died enough times to these types of things. It is indeed irritating.

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Yep, it is definitelly a cheater epidemy right now. I've been playing DayZ for almost 3 months now, and it is getting more harsh than ever. In the beggining we just heard stories, rumours and legends about bloodthirsty evil cheaters, but we've never met even one. Then we've met one or two unkillable god mode players from time to time, let say once a 3 weeks. But last week? It is unplayable. Me and my friends got killed by a cheater every day this week, sometimes couple times a day. Every single day some annoying prick comes to our server and starts ruining game to everybody. We even don't have a will and a taste anymore to report every single cheater situation here on this forum, we are so tired.

I think it is right time to get a short/mid/long break from this great game. We love this game so much that we would rather quit playing it now than let these mofos to disgust it to us. I am not pesimistic, this game will survive this shit, but not as a mod of Arma's trusted environment. Our only hope is tightened and restricted stand alone version.


What can help for now, it's to enable server log with information who, where, when and by what killed whom. Possible risk of admin abuse seems to be lesser evil now, because if you don't like the admins, you have another 20 000 server possibilities.

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I've never actually died to a hacker before, or met one.

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In the past three days, I died six times (teleport, armed immortal ai, artillery, invisible sniper, bomb etc). Due to the fact that I play since the creation of Dayz, I begin to doubt that it is not planned attack. I'm not paranoid, but it is suspicious. Before that, I had no problem to survive 14 days and hacker attacks have been minimal and rather funny. This situation completely ruins the whole game.

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I've never actually died to a hacker before, or met one.

Dood. Where are you playing? cause I want to get on the one hacker free server that's out there.

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Yeah HDU is canceling our server and moving on Hopefully War Z will have a better anti-cheat system going cause day z just doesn't really care to buckle down and try and solve the hack issues I also know of at least 5 others that are friends that canceled theirs as well. Its sad such a great game has been run down will this type of play but what can you do? NOTHING and until they allow people who pay hard earned money to control there server how they feel and support us with a fix to this hack issue I'm done with this game. It's already went viral enough to where someone will build off this idea and we wont see these issues in it either. Good luck fellow survivors I hope the hackers don't find you and they all BURN in HELL.


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Me and a friend of mine play on a couple different servers that are usually low pop with no more than a couple other people on there and have had no hacking experiences and typically run around on there for a couple hours per night, I was alive for about 2 weeks until I decided yesterday to venture onto a server by myself (US 916) and some a-hole hacker kept teleporting everyone to a central location and then murdering everyone. Is there a way for admins to lock servers down to not allow scripts to be run at all?

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