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Script Runner on US 934/Okinawa Zeds

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I am the admin of said server, and witnessed a script runner while bringing a friend (new to the game, known him for a few years IRL) to my camp to get him kitted up. After cresting the hill adjacent to my camp, I notice that our V3S is gone, so I scope in with my DMR to survey the scene. I see a guy near one of the tents, who immediately turns around to look at me. Right as I am about to fire, he disappears. I instinctively hit "P" to check and see if he went to the lobby, but no, he is still in-game.

Then he magically appears not 3 feet infront of my face. Reflexively I start hammering down on the LMB, and put 4 DMR rounds into him, killing him. The name D0phlinKiy5 appears in the kill message. So I Alt+TAB out and check in BERCon for his IP and GUID. I make note of it, then Alt+TAB back in. Right after I am back in the game, my buddy says, "Hey, Let's go loot his body", before we take 3 steps, we both die, and a Global Chat message appears saying, "Kill me again and see what happens!"

Now, I am the admin, so I know that Global Chat is disabled, as well as Side Chat. I can only send Global messages through BERCon or the game when I am logged in as Admin. For whatever reason, Steam deemed this event too unimportant to allow my F12 key to actually grab a screen cap, so I don't have screenshots. But I do have his GUID, which is: 34d22********************815ed4d. If someone could reply to this message or PM me exactly what to look for in the server log as to what shows if a script is running, I'll gladly post the server log to validate this incident.

TL:DR - D0phlinKiy5 is a script runner, his GUID is: 34d22********************815ed4d. Just a heads up to other admins out there.

Edited by AngryEchoSix

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