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I Am The Law

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So, i am just downloading the game now. After looking at the forums a bit i have made a plan. It begins with a comic book. 2000 AD staring Judge Dredd. This, as well as a bit of reading the punisher comics has given me inspiration for my plan for playing Day Z. Many of you go around with a sniper and go "i am 1337 with my skillz" or just never leave the forest. My plan? Get to the point? I am working on it. I am going to go around and hunt bandits and, help survivors. Am i going to die and fail with this many times? Yes. However, when i start getting good at the game i will be able to build up a system, maybe gain a following. My end all goal? Troll the world.

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You're going to learn really quick this isn't a comic book or a game where your idealism will prosper.

I'm just going to say, Welcome to DayZ, trust noone. All it takes is a hatchet to the back of your head or a rifle round to your torso from God knows where, with your next statement being "WTF".

Edited by Banicks

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So, i am just downloading the game now. After looking at the forums a bit i have made a plan. It begins with a comic book. 2000 AD staring Judge Dredd. This, as well as a bit of reading the punisher comics has given me inspiration for my plan for playing Day Z. Many of you go around with a sniper and go "i am 1337 with my skillz" or just never leave the forest. My plan? Get to the point? I am working on it. I am going to go around and hunt bandits and, help survivors. Am i going to die and fail with this many times? Yes. However, when i start getting good at the game i will be able to build up a system, maybe gain a following. My end all goal? Troll the world.

How's that going to work? Bandits can just change their faces and their names.

Witness: "Yo, I saw this Caucasian-looking dude with a neckbeard and orange shades named NoobHunter sniping newbies on the shore."

HeavyKane: "I'll go hunt him down."

Ten minutes later...

NoobHunter: "Oh, shit, here comes the law." D-con, rename, reskin, reconnect.

HeavyKane: "Have you seen any Caucasian avatars named NoobHunter?"

NoobHelper: "You know...nope. And if you're thinking I am that bandit, you are clearly wrong, as I am clearly an Arab-looking guy with horn-rimmed shades who is not named NoobHunter."

HeavyKane: "Carry on, then."

EDIT: Actually, bandit skins are coming back, so that might actually work. You might want to round up a posse, though, because PvP is about to get a hell of a lot more entertaining.

Edited by BazBake

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How's that going to work? Bandits can just change their faces and their names.

Witness: "Yo, I saw this Caucasian-looking dude with a neckbeard and orange shades named NoobHunter sniping newbies on the shore."

HeavyKane: "I'll go hunt him down."

Ten minutes later...

NoobHunter: "Oh, shit, here comes the law." D-con, rename, reskin, reconnect.

HeavyKane: "Have you seen any Caucasian avatars named NoobHunter?"

NoobHelper: "You know...nope. And if you're thinking I am that bandit, you are clearly wrong, as I am clearly an Arab-looking guy with horn-rimmed shades who is not named NoobHunter."

HeavyKane: "Carry on, then."

You forgot the "HeavyKane died." part after NoobHunter shoots him in the back.

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EDIT: Actually, bandit skins are coming back, so that might actually work. You might want to round up a posse, though, because PvP is about to get a hell of a lot more entertaining.

Link for official word on this?

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"We have been waiting for you Dredd, welcome to Dayz"

The Angel Gang

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There's an entire thread on the subject full of unadulterated bandit rage over on the general discussion board.

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I would love it if this game Brought in groups of players hunting "us" bandits.. Tok out 4 guys at 700 meters.. Got to love the power og the AS50, just love the panick of crowds when the first people start dropping. I can't wait for dogs to.. im gonna be like the Vet from hell .. puting dogs out of the misserys drinking the tears of there owners before i end them too.

On the issu of "the law" he will soon learn the hardway. shoot on sight or die.. Welcome to cherno come north and i will giveyou a tick on the bullet express back to the cost...


Playing norway servers.

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How's that going to work? Bandits can just change their faces and their names.

Witness: "Yo, I saw this Caucasian-looking dude with a neckbeard and orange shades named NoobHunter sniping newbies on the shore."

HeavyKane: "I'll go hunt him down."

Ten minutes later...

NoobHunter: "Oh, shit, here comes the law." D-con, rename, reskin, reconnect.

HeavyKane: "Have you seen any Caucasian avatars named NoobHunter?"

NoobHelper: "You know...nope. And if you're thinking I am that bandit, you are clearly wrong, as I am clearly an Arab-looking guy with horn-rimmed shades who is not named NoobHunter."

HeavyKane: "Carry on, then."

EDIT: Actually, bandit skins are coming back, so that might actually work. You might want to round up a posse, though, because PvP is about to get a hell of a lot more entertaining.

>implying they would be able to know it was me

>implying they would not shoot me if they saw me flat out.

obligatory "cool story bro"

It will be a really cool story when i start posting recording/storys of what i do. So far i have only gotten jumped by a couple bandits in electro, killing them but i ended up getting shot on my way out of the town by someone i was not able to spot. Not anything worthy of note. Though i did say to them when they missed there first shot and i took covor in the church "I see you have come to surrener, Put your weapons on the ground and i will let you off with a warning. " to witch they responded "NO U" Then ran in and got cut down by my AK variant i had found in a airfield hanger.

I would love it if this game Brought in groups of players hunting "us" bandits.. Tok out 4 guys at 700 meters.. Got to love the power og the AS50, just love the panick of crowds when the first people start dropping. I can't wait for dogs to.. im gonna be like the Vet from hell .. puting dogs out of the misserys drinking the tears of there owners before i end them too.

On the issu of "the law" he will soon learn the hardway. shoot on sight or die.. Welcome to cherno come north and i will giveyou a tick on the bullet express back to the cost...


Playing norway servers.

Well i seem to have been getting along well enough by telling people that shoot at to me to surrender or, simply avioding people flatout. (unless i see them gunning people down like i did those guys in electro)

There's an entire thread on the subject full of unadulterated bandit rage over on the general discussion board.

I am going to take a look then thank you for telling me.

"We have been waiting for you Dredd, welcome to Dayz"

The Angel Gang

If i had a nickle for every time i killed the angel gang.

I can never read "I am the law" in anything other than Stallone's voice.

You're going to learn really quick this isn't a comic book or a game where your idealism will prosper.

I'm just going to say, Welcome to DayZ, trust noone. All it takes is a hatchet to the back of your head or a rifle round to your torso from God knows where, with your next statement being "WTF".

Well, apart from getting ran over by a car when i was walking on the road unarmed and, getting shot by someone with a revolver a few minutes after my second spawn when i was just learning the basics of the game i have been doing rather well with my whole hero mode gameplay.

You have fun doing that.

Cool story though, it really intrigued me.

I am having fun, you will want to keep a lookout for future threads i will be making.

supercool story

Indeed it is.

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