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Cave (DayZ)

How not to kill everyone on sight without being killed.

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You must be thinking: Shouldn't this be in the new players discussion?

...Well, I am thinking of posting it here as a lots of so-called "seniors" happen to do this as well. I know your grandfather says "It's etheir kill or be killed" but I have thought hard and well to figure out a solution to still regain your "humantiy" and "kindness" in this now broken world.

Simply team up with a friend. Can be an online friend or a real life friend. The more people you have in your party, the less willing loners will want to kill you on sight. Sure you can get sniped from a distance, but if that happens than you are obviously going somewhere you shouldn't as you ain't prepared.

Now, I am not saying you should kill everyone else you see with your friends, but I am saying you should try and convice other survivours you join your party. Simply walk to them and ask gently "Do you want to join us?". If the guy says yes, than let him and maybe add him to your Steam, giving him trust... which if he breaks, he will feel gulit unless he is really evil. Sure you can lose everything if he quickly kills all of you from behind and removes you from friends so he can take your loot, but I assure you thati's human nature to regert such actions even if it is a video game. Besides, you can simply spread the friends you trust away from each other, so if he kills one, the others can easily react

If the guy rejects, than simply walk away, of course keeping your eye that he dosen't follow. Guy tries to shoot you than he was obviously being a moron as your friends will have handled him well before he can even loot.

You could also kill him for his items... but that's even worse than a loner killing you for it.

I know you may have seen the above two paragraphs in a thread in the NPD, but I really think everyone should take a look. I've tried it and the imitating froce of my party actually works against many lone survivors. Ofcourse, there's the osscinal psycopath, but my friends were easily able to take care of them.

Only problem you would face is snipers OR a bandit party, but that's a fair and fun fight isn't of a quick death now, isn't it?

Have fun!

Edited by Cave

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Well i wish we could work like that but most of the players here must of derived from CoD and beleive killing on sight as they do in CoD is the best way. I wish team work was a factor and that i hope rocket almost make sit as such people are forced to get along instad of always being assholes and killing on sight.

I wish i wish.

But it wont happen and we will just get more hostile fags running around playing call of duty.

Also the thing is all the people that were friendly have given up. A long time ago.

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I generally stick to "Don't mind me, I'll just be on my way, but I have two friends in the hill watching my back. Be safe out there"

I've only really ever had one person call my bluff. And he ended up dead :\

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Well i wish we could work like that but most of the players here must of derived from CoD and beleive killing on sight as they do in CoD is the best way. I wish team work was a factor and that i hope rocket almost make sit as such people are forced to get along instad of always being assholes and killing on sight.

I wish i wish.

But it wont happen and we will just get more hostile fags running around playing call of duty.

Also the thing is all the people that were friendly have given up. A long time ago.

Rocket is actually thinking of doing that by making zombies more hostle, so my suggestion will eventually become a must... soon.... soooooooooooooooon.

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Simply team up with a friend. Can be an online friend or a real life friend.

This is a fantastic solution until someone teams up with their DMR or AS50 with rangefinder, and can shoot more than one person as they try to figure out an escape route without knowing exactly where the shot is coming from.

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This is a fantastic solution until someone teams up with their DMR or AS50 with rangefinder, and can shoot more than one person as they try to figure out an escape route without knowing exactly where the shot is coming from.

know the spots where the sniper can shoot at and dont stand still in them...

join an empty server go up to the hill (theres only 3 realistic spots to snipe from) and look at everywhere he can see.

i know all of them and never stop moving when in those areas. guess the amounts of times ive been sniped in elektro (hint its below 1)

Edited by Buffjesus

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This is a fantastic solution until someone teams up with their DMR or AS50 with rangefinder, and can shoot more than one person as they try to figure out an escape route without knowing exactly where the shot is coming from.

Than he obviously bested your party. I mean, if you meet a guy holding a powerful gun in real life and he is a psycopath killing everyone he sees... rest in peace. He also deserves that kill as he got a weapon that did his job. He is not overpowered, he will eventually run out of ammo and be killed somehow. We all will.

Just simply respawrn, regroup and repeat. Now one cna argue there's not enough beans to go around, than you risk it and spit the group and search different towns or different parts, than regroup somewhere.

know the spots where the sniper can shoot at and dont stand still in them...

join an empty server go up to the hill (theres only 3 realistic spots to snipe from) and look at everywhere he can see.

i know all of them and never stop moving when in those areas. guess the amounts of times ive been sniped in elektro (hint its below 1)

You don't even need to join an empty server, simply mess around in the Arma 2 editior.

What? Everyone forgotten it exists?

Edited by Cave

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Protip for not getting shot in the back after someone joins you. Don't show yours.

Get the FNG to takepoint and direct him to where you wanna go. If he refuses that's a strike against him. You can elect to have 1 of your group go 1st but always keep 1 person with a gun preferably, watching the FNG's back. People tend to be a whole lot more trusting when they know they can get shot from the back.

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Than he obviously bested your party.

Absolutely, but you said something about not being killed. OP never delivers.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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is it because ive done it before that i know what its limitations are of what you can and cannot do up there?

edit: ive only been sniped 2 other times, once at NWAF with 2 other people on the server while bandaging myself from a glitched zombie, and once when getting my gear back after my friend crashed out chopper.

Edited by Buffjesus

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is it because ive done it before that i know its weaknesses and what you can and cannot do up there?

The reason I might seem confused is the simple fact that I never said a thing about Elektro. ;)

Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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Absolutely, but you said something about not being killed. OP never delivers.

No no no, this is defence common surviours, not a heavy weapons guy.

Besides, you should accept dying as part of the game. There is no way to completely avoid it at all, we can only delay it... but the way you delay it, could give you a few weeks extra of survival.

Edited by Cave

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