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Primary, Backpack, Tools go poof... what did I do wrong?

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Yea, so I'm not here whining, I just want to see if someone can explain what happened to me and what I should avoid doing in the future.

Was creeping around a nighttime server with my NVGs. Found a heli crash, with an M107 and an L85. I had an M4SD on me that I wanted to save for a friend, so I fiddled with my inventory, dropped most of my consumables, and started heading away from the chopper with the M107 and M4SD in my bag, the L85 equipped, and primary inventory full of ammo.

I headed for the nearest treeline and logged out. When I logged back in, I was missing absolutely everything I was carrying, except for the items in my main inventory. Equipped weapons, backpack, tools, NVG/Binoculars all vanished. Logged in/out on multiple servers to make sure, and yea, the stuff is gone.

Now I've definitely had experiences where stuff I had looted in the last few seconds disappeared after being disconnected, but a. I didn't get disconnected, I manually logged out, and b. it wasn't just the items I had recently looted, but everything.

Did I do something bad, or did I just get screwed by a random bug?

Edited by bofadeez

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Had exactly what you described happen to me on monday. AS50 w/ ammo, M1911 w/ ammo, Alice pack that had an AK and ammo, a bunch of medical stuff and ALL my tools were gone. Still had the soda and as50 ammo in my main inventory, and m1911 mags in my secondary inventory though... but the actual guns and pack were gone forever. Didn't matter what server. Just *poof!* gone.

I'd be more upset if not for two things:

1. lolalphamod

2. found it all in a tent so whatevs...

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I have absolutely no technical knowledge of how the hive database works (my bad), but if you want some sort of explanation from someone who knows anything about computers, here goes:

One other issues in Dayz is saving vehicles. If you manipulate a car's inventory (remove/add an item), then within a minute or two save the vehicle and relog, you will often find an item is either missing or duplicated, depending on the operation you performed. This could be similar to what happened with you, perhaps you put one last meat steak or can of soda in the pack, then immediately logged out.

The alternative explanation is that one item may have not been represented fully in the database (maybe it was supposed to be in your backpack, but the database couldn't find it, because it was actually in your inventory when you logged out), so the database assumed your entire pack was glitched, and deleted all of the objects in your backpack.

Hope this brings some sort of comfort to you. If you find this happening in the future, I recommend trying the following:

1. Dropping/picking up your pack on flat ground

2. Putting all of your backpack contents into a pile, signing out 10-15m away from the pile, then logging back in and putting all of the items into the backpack, then waiting a few minutes and signing out again.

3. Going into the fetal position and crying your heart out.

Hope this helps!

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You are supposed to hold items in your inventory for a few minutes plus for them to save. Next time keep them in there for 5 minutes and then log out so they for sure save in you inv.

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Cool cool, thanks for the tips. I guess in the future I will just not log out so quickly... I just get ultra scared at heli crashes in the dark, because I've been sniped at heli crashes on nearly-empty nighttime servers several times.

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Hi.. I played yesterday 4 hours on the cz 02 server with a friend.. we want to repair a car.. was a lot of work.. we found a heli crash, a FAL.. all that was in STARY SOPOR.. and now when i log in i spawn in KAMYSHOVO with 3000 blood and without all my gear.. just an axe and a lot of flares.. thats so bad.. what happened?

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Someone stole your cd key, i have bad news for you guys, since servers check your cd key, any hacker/script kiddie that runs his own server can steal your guid or cd-key. THATS RIGHT. ARMA SO BROKEN THAT PLAYING ANY SERVER RUNS YOU THE CHANCE OF LOSING YOUR CD KEY.

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Pretty much all you can do is to ask your provider for a new key or buy a new one and stay away from any servers you played on before. It could be your provider is selling multiples of the same key but.... Kinda unlikely.

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I did have this problem on one server before, cd key in use, but my character wasnt dead/dying after. So im pretty sure it was just a problem with that 1 server.

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thx for ur answer!! i send a mail to the support.. hope it will be fixed!

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