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Soviet Tiger

Speed+Invisible Hacks- US 1955 Dallas hosted by XGI

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Me and my group of friends ( one has Fraps footage and is working on it) were at cherno at night on this XGI clan server. Only like 12 people, 5 or so of them were XGI-

8/9/2012 -11-12 pm Eastern Time

List of XGI names






Other Players on the server





AND- Haywire

Haywire was kicked for rocks2.pbo earlier...

So, the story is this- a Ural with 2 guys is driving at night, we freak out when we hear it. It drives nearby us, and they get out. we had NVGs they didnt, they were 100 meters away and my friend shot one with the DMR and the guy logged out. the second guy was running around, then drove off in the ural-Super fast. Like unrealistically, Jet engine powered fast.(obvi speed hack), he came back and we threw grenades at him, they exploded really close to the truck but did nothing (they did kill zombies and deafen us). He kept on driving past. We built a fire on a hill because we were blinking temperature. when we were sitting around the fire, goofing off( we thought the guy in the ural was long gone, as we didn't suspect hacks at this point in time) saluting each other, a DMR shot kills my friend. Me and the other friend sprint in serpentine patterns through the woods, trying to find this guy. I died from a shot the was right next to me, as I saw the smoke from the shot, but no one was there. My friend logged off after he found out that the guy was hacking, since he saw him appear in front of him and speed away. I respawned near cherno, and decided to check the place again. I encountered the dmr fag in the woods again, and hid behind a tree. he was circling my tree, and I was counter circling, maintaining cover. He then kicked in his speeed haxXXXxxx and I still maintained my cover. He then turned invisible. while still moving. I then ran away from the tree and started acting Russian in direct chat. He then appeared and shot me.

Please check into this server/Clan/whoever was active at the time. We have no idea who was the hacker(just assumptions and speculation) since there was no nametages on the server. -VETERAN.

Please reply/ PM me if more info is needed. Thanks.

PS: Check out my Sig. :P

Edited by Soviet Tiger

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I can confirm what you are saying as we came across the Ural at Green Mountain which was moving 3 to 4 times the speed it should have and was taking out trees like they weren't even there.

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What Krom said, i was there as well and completely floored at how fast that thing was moving and how it seemed to take no damage plowing down massive trees. Loki, Krom, Cleric and i ( In game was Greatshot) were all together , we had a couple more guys with us as well. Bottom line, we DC'd the first time he came by, waited a few minutes and logged back in. Within seconds he was barreling down on us again so we disconnected for the night realizing something was fishy about this guy.

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I'm glad you guys found this post, and can confirm our sightings. Now we just need to get these guys banned.( Whoever they were...)

Edited by Soviet Tiger

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Yea, I was one of the two people with Soviet Tiger at the time. I caught a glimpse of the Ural hauling ass when they told me they heard a vehicle (was just exiting Cherno, so I had a different vantage point), and witnessed it getting a direct hit with a grenade. Unfortunately I was the first one to die when he attacked us. I was also killed again going back to our bodies to see if I could get it on film. Got myself dying on film, but could barely even see him in the footage. Keep in mind this was BEFORE he killed Soviet a second time while playing ring-around-the-rosie with him, so this guy must've been hauling some serious ass somehow to get to each location, and that's barring how he managed to spot us so easily given our distance between each other, (we were nowhere near the bodies, we were just moving towards them).

EDIT: Just noticed I actually caught the turbo Ural on camera during our first encounter, gonna see if I can post it. Other than that, most of my footage is pretty useless.

Edited by Rhinoceroscity
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Mkay, here we go. It's like bigfoot caught on camera footage because it was so far away and I only saw it for a second, at least while it was moving that speed. One of the two on the hill hit one of the passengers with a DMR round when the truck stopped, and the target passed out and disconnected. We actually followed the truck and saw it a lot more after that, but it was moving at normal speed, albeit being invincible to our grenade and gunfire.


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I estimate we first ran into this guy at Green Mountain around 11:45 EST.... maybe a little earlier.

And that was the speed he was driving through the woods at us!

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Good catch with the video, even if it was only a glimpse people get the idea on how fast that thing was moving.

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1) We had NVGs.

2) It's call desync. It was happening the entire time on the way down to cherno.

3) URAL can mow down trees without taking damage. You guys should really learn this game before you make accusations.

4) The nade actually hurt the ural a shit ton. Made the wheels go orange and the engine go red. I fixed it up after moving north a little bit to get away from you guys.

5) GG

EDIT: Oh and you forgot Will.

Edited by Mozzy4Ever

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Because shit happens and sometimes you post in the wrong topic that you're only reading. Congratulations, now you're commenting on an empty post and your contribution is just as worthwhile.

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Considering this thread must have been VERY far back in this forum's pages, I highly doubt that you stumbled upon it by accident. Meaning you google search'd for it. Which leads back to the comment of "How could you post on a thread that isn't related to you?"

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Last time and especially for the hard of hearing. Cheers now.

Because shit happens and sometimes you post in the wrong topic that you're only reading.

Especially when you have several topics open simultaneously. Who said stumbled upon by accident? Enough already, you've had more explanation than is necessary.

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If you guys are sick of hacker then I reconmend you try out our 28 DayZ Later Server. FIlter "JackPot" or join via IP " We are an original DayZ Chernarus server with some modifications that help in the immersion. We have very strong antihacks and a dedicated team.

More information and what people think of our server is on this thread http://dayzmod.com/f...ag-free-server/ Please check us out.

We are running this server off of a 4 Core Nehalem Processor with Hyperthreading at 3.9GHz, as well as 4GB of Dedicated Ram. Your experience will be hack and lag free. At the moment we are pretty new and offering a deal.

If you bring a friend on to the server, you can receive a sidearm of your choice and Czech Backpack spawn.

We also have a teamspeak and will have a private whitelist server with the same hive, a server players can retreat to if under hacker attack. We do rollbacks, active log monitoring, dayz Anti hax, GOtcha anti hacks, Directory/Memory scan, Ip Bans, Battleye Extended Controls, as well as TSW antihacks.

On top of this we are running exclusive scripts and player behavious tracking programs to weed out hackers.

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Last time and especially for the hard of hearing. Cheers now.

Because shit happens and sometimes you post in the wrong topic that you're only reading.

Especially when you have several topics open simultaneously. Who said stumbled upon by accident? Enough already, you've had more explanation than is necessary.

That still doesn't explain how you could come across a thread from several months ago.

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