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please vastly increase the amout of time player corpses will stick around

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* [FIXED] Bodies being deleted immediately (now will stay around for 5 minutes)

So before this last patch, player corpses would stay around a long time, I think until server restart. 5 minutes is not nearly long enough.

a) It added a good gameplay element, one I even took for granted, because it was possible to find player corpses while looting and get some serious gear. Sometimes the player had been overwhelmed by zeds, sometimes it was two players who had killed eachother. Either way, it was a nice bonus to find these things sometimes.

b) There have been a number of times where me and my pals have come out on top of a firefight, but have been pinned down by snipers or zeds or something else, and have erred on the side of caution and waited before looting. Sometimes upwards of 30 minutes if we get pinned down bad enough. It would be nice to have a chance to loot those corpses before they despawn, rather than just have them disappear due to some mechanic.

But I digress, I'm guessing the need to have corpses be deleted has to do with the stress all those dead players and their inventories put on the servers so I offer this solution: After a player has looted a corpse, then a timeout countdown starts, once the timeout expires, then the corpse is deleted.


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6 hours seems good.

24 hours sounds amazing especially if you can move the corpses.

Problem is the people spamming respawn so they get spawns closer to cherno and electro. They litter the beaches with dead bodies just by respawning.

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I will add that corpses should stay long enough so if you kill someone or see someone dying you have enough time to go loot his corpse.

At the same time corpses shouldn't stay long enough that a person can go loot his own body.

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I will add that corpses should stay long enough so if you kill someone or see someone dying you have enough time to go loot his corpse.

At the same time corpses shouldn't stay long enough that a person can go loot his own body.

Good point but not so well thought through, the time it could take to reach your corpse is in some cases not more than 5-10 minutes and having corpses disappear before that is bad imo.

Me and my two mates just got pinned down on a roof after having killed 2-3 enemies on another roof. Before we had cleared everyone who was keeping us stuck on the roof all the old corpses were already gone. This kinda kills the fun of the pvp.

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