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Cool dudes in US 249

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So today i was running around elektro and i ran into a dude with a ghilllie suit.He looked like he was about to shoot me till i told him iam freindly (With my new headset.) He then saved my life when a horde of zombies were chasing me.Then he told his group of about 8 who were surrounding the city not to shoot me and followed me to the grocery store and the school to find a weapon only finding a pisol he then followed me to the power plant to find a better gun when we started getting shot at by sniper i got hit then bandaged up and made a run for it but he got me again and i was out of bandages.The guy tried to help but i was losing blood to fast and the last words i heard were" dont die on me". Thanks for the help buddy i would like to meet up again.

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We need more of these players..

On another note, this will rarely happen o.O

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OMG haha that was me. we always play us 249, my friend just linked me this post when he found it. i will remember ur name. :P

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This is all a lie, US 249 is infested with hackers right now. OP trying to convince people to join it.

Don't bother with this server, you will lose all your stuff,

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It's true, I met a guy on US 265 who met a guy on US 271 who had just left US 123 and he found out there that was true!

Edited by Jex =TE=

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This is all a lie, US 249 is infested with hackers right now. OP trying to convince people to join it.

Don't bother with this server, you will lose all your stuff,

lol nearly every server is infected with hackers and the admin of 249 is trying his best to ban any hack that comes on the server.

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i friggin' hate hackers!!!!! i was in us 607 and a guy called [T.L] MARIJUANA who just happened to own the server... drove over to me and my mates and said " how's it goin fellas" and honked the horn attracting millions of zombies. by instinct we shot him and stole the car, i looted his body and he had: nightvision goggles, 50cal snipers, silenced pisols ect. he then spawned looking like a zombie right next our fleeing jeep and started playing wierd and slightly creepy music. then he spawned looking normal and blew up our jeep with a sniper, luckily only killing one of us :( . i exited just in time before he could kill me... but as we speak my friends are getting me bandages as we speak :lol:

Edited by ANuclearLemon

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This is awesome. I've ran into 2 friends thus far near the coast and we able to actually work together. I usually end up losing them or dying in the process.

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