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Trading: many things sweet and deadly for a helicopter

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So yeah, I'm looking for a helicopter and willing to trade a sizeable amount of stuff in exchange for such a beast! I'd very much like it on an EU server, but unless we don't find one there, US is fine too.

I can offer a wide range of armaments, including but not limited to:




-SVD Camo

-M4 and it's many variants, w/ sd & ccos

-AK74 / AKS74




-2 Satchel charges

I'm not totally sure about the amount of weapons, most certainly more than 1 of most kinds. Also, weapons come with ammo.

We've also a range of general items available, including NVGs, GPSes, Rangefinders, Camo clothing and Ghillies.

If you're interested, drop me a PM or /q me on qnet SINFULSEBASTIAN. If you leave an offer here, I may or may not take a look at it so I'd appreciate if you contacted me directly! Also, feel free to browse post history for past dealings with others!

Edited by Sinfulsebastian

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