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The first nice player I've seen all day.

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So I had just started a new player, after my last server being nuked by a hacker. I was in a small town near the coast when a "hopper" zombie randomly aggros even though he is 50 meters away and I was crawling, I am attacked, I start to run away and I notice I am bleeding, shortly after the chase ensues the hopper zombie is joined by four other various types of zombies, I run for a two-story house, as I run inside I am hit two more times, but I manage to make it upstairs and break thier line-of-sight, I instantly open my inventory and bandage myself, but by this time I had but 1800 blood left, and somehow when running up the stairs, as though my bones were somehow made of glass, my legs break. So here I am, no weapons, two painkillers, a flashlight, and a hunting knife. I started passing out, and while I was passed out, a player with a remington runs up the stairs, and mistakes me for a dead body, starts looting my unconcious body, when I come to conciousness. I start crawling and he backs up, and types in chat "I don't want to kill you" "I'm not that kind of player" I tell him my situation, that I have 1000 blood left and my legs are broken, and he gives me two cans of beans, some morphine, and three bandages, he then proceeds to give me a blood transfution and I am back up to 9000 blood, no broken leg, and full food, and water. before he left, I asked him "why do you sacrifice so much for someone you don't even know?" He replied "Because I play the game and treat people like I would in real life." I can't remeber his name, something along the lines of "Doc (his name here)"

I was able to continue my game that I am still playing right now. Whoever you were, thank you <3

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Guys like that are awesome, it's a shame there aren't more of them.

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I try to help as many people as i can as well, its tough when theres more bandits killing people, because when your a newplayer and u keep getting killed by bandits your going to become a bandit, its just the mentality of dayz just like how people become hackers which is becoming a serious problem. Just try to help your fellow players in any way you can, sure you might die for it but in the end you can die knowing you actually tried to help

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I ran into a guy today we were both pretty ill equipped but we rolled out towards elektro hill to try and pick up some scrappings from the recent firefight. We roll out kill one guy and as I am looting he says "It had to be done" and shoots me in the back.

I now KoS everyone.

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If you weren't in such a sorry state, or if you were armed he probably would've shot you.

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Capefear, that's a honorable player you met there. I hope I'm as lucky if I end up in that situation. :thumbsup:

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Very nice of him, but a bit stupid at the same time. I mean, you had nothing, not even a weapon. I would have just crawl out and French kiss the first zombie I find, then respawn. Then at least I have my bandage back, still no weapon, and everything full health.

He sacrificed a bloodbag, morphine and some food, while you could have respawned and lose nothing. But hey, free medical help, why not :P

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