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Firepower to the People: my new end game plan

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That's it I have a plan now that I am a moderately successful solo survival girl and I call it Firepower to the People.

Let's see what happens when we try to give pistols to new spawns. Not ammunition, mind you, just whatever extra firearm I can find. Makarovs, M1911s and .45 revolvers. If I don't find anyone, I'll place it an area new spawns might come across without risking the major cities. I left a nice M1014 and some ammunition in a lighthouse earlier. Newer players tend to go to these places while learning, so what a nice surprise.

I don't know anything about recording but if I did I'd try and film me as I chase down unarmed players to sneak a pistol into a backpack.

After 26 days of surviving and not finding any vehicles, the hunting animals, killing zombies and avoiding players has become dull.

If I die, I die. I'm good enough now to get basic gear pretty fast.

Snipe if you like, be a bandit, kidnap and torment, blow up churches, hey that's all fine. Me, I'll be cutting barbed wire and handing out little noisemakers, on random servers of the pacific and western time zone variety.

Firepower to the People. My silly little way to keep DayZ exciting.

One brave soul out to help the survival of humanity. Any others? This chica just won the innerwebz and some beans.

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A lot of the rest of us too that too... take this game seriously, etc... we get FLAMED over it though because we aren't a "pretty girl".


Now, now, don't put the pretty girl in quotes. People may attack me, be mean, swear, whatever. Have at it, people! It's a weird idea, arming the noobs and new spawns. The picture is just to prove that I am who I am.

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Yaaay another end gamer that isn't a sit-on-a-hill-and-ruin-freshspawns-dayz player.

If that ever gets boring for ya you can always follow my route and take up arms against the aforementioned players. Then give some freshspawns their gear. though personally I don't trust freshspawns with high powered snipers.

Fresh spawns and sniper rifles get dicey. That's why the idea was pistols only, or as much as possible. I'm going to try and scout around Cherno, and maybe I'll catch some bandit griefer, but mostly to protect the spawns and get myself a proper sniper. The M14 is nice but I would prefer the proper DMR. Sniping the zombies chasing the unarmed noobs is entertaining. Until the zombies turn on me, anyway. Oops. Morphine is my friend of course.

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items stay on the ground until server reset

ive farmed the barracks before then come back 2 days later to see our same pile of loot outside the door

I've seen loot puddles disappear when hard farming the barracks (taking everything out and making a trash puddle) without a restart.

Also, most restarts are on a 4 or 6 hour cycle, so I'm still right :P

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Now there is a winning idea. except I need to find tents. I've never bothered to keep them because I play alone. But picking five or six servers and rotating through to stock tents as time permits might be the way to end that silly spawning in kamenka curse. Thanks for the idea!

Tents are easy enough to get.

First off, they're dupable. I won't tell you how to do it in case that's not your cup of tea, but it's quite easy to do. Most people use it to make massive tent camps on the borders so that they can dupe other items, so someone using it for something stupid wouldn't piss me off.

If you would rather legitimately farm them all, I've found Vybor is usually a pretty safe place to do it. Cherno would go faster, but it's much more dangerous. Basically, just take all the items out of a house and make a trash pile just outside the door. You have to take EVERY SINGLE ITEM out. Any loot you leave on the floor won't change until a server restart so leaving tin cans just ruins your chances. Previously loot would repopulate when you approached a building from 200m or more away, requiring you to empty a building and run out of town, then back in. I can confirm this is definitely no longer the case, as I was farming tents in Vybor and had loot popping up right under me. All residential buildings can drop tents, as well as general store locations.

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A player with a mission. Good to see and good luck.

My personal mission is to remove barbed wire where I see it, even if I don't want to loot the building.

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A new person with a gun would shoot anything that moves :|

I know. That's why I'm not giving them ammunition. I'd be one of the any things and many things that would move and get shot! Give out guns that have easy enough to find ammunition, but make the player earn those rounds. We all spawn new and helpless, and see ammo without guns for some time This is a way to give a few lucky spawns a bit of an extra fighting chance during that run through Cherno or Electro or Balota or wherever they go. It's an experiment. We'll see how it goes.

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Waste of time.

Some people would call our playing video games a waste of time. Nothing is a waste if we enjoy what we're doing. It is that simple. :)

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Snipe if you like, be a bandit, kidnap and torment, blow up churches, hey that's all fine.


For a second there, you almost made me miss this guy leaving the firehouse. Now to just zero in my gun...

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Admittedly, this has been tricker than planned. graphical artifacts make things troublesome, of course, and I spent an hour wandering around from Kanmenka to Balota, and I didn't see a single spawn. The server had payers, was in a day cycle despite the time, and I saw people die. No spawns. The Makarov and AKM in my pack take up valuable space, and even if I do find a tent, I read it won't save items until it's been placed for at least one server reset.

I'll still keep trying, even though my play time is down to about two to three hours a week now. I guess it's back to Cherno to hunt for tents and avoid being shot in the head!

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