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How not to survive

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TL DR crew..what are you doing in this thread ? ..wall of text posters..same. ;)

Broke one of my rules..don't run around in the middle of fuckbutt nothing shooting every moving thing like a happy gun retard when you are miles from a hospital and have no morphine.

Me and my other half were just West of NW airfield when we last logged. Our mate was all the way over above the NE airfield..so we decide to hook up in roughly the middle at Gvzodno We have empty water bottles and no other drink so decide to quickly hit Petrovka and see if we cant get a coke. I spot a deerstand on the way and head in..fairly open field so i pop one with the dmr, agrro a few of them , switch to my 1911 pop the rest. Head to the stand and hear another zed real close, turn around and smack..crack..broken bone etc. Cap him and crawl off to the deerstand , no joy, crawl to the tree line. 8000 odd blood, eat a steak.

Now i know chances of morph are sfa but my partner heads to Petrovka for a look , my mate is pissing himself laughing over ts because he knows i have noobed out. I ask if he has morph, yeh of course i have you tool he says..i will meet you in about 15-20.We are chatting while listening to her say no..no..nil anything. So we tell her to head down to Grishino and have a dekko (look).

My mate shouts out suddenly ..piss off you stupid zed ! ..bang bang bang..oh fuck off ! I ask what is goin on (it was about 20 seconds of shooting and him carrying on like he was being ass raped. He tells me he came over a small rise straight into a stand and cleaned up five zeds ..last one busted his legs..*snicker* My partner is like ..well i cant shoot for shit- she really cant- but at least i can run..i tell my mate to sort himself and keep coming.

Then i hear..Ummmmmm dude..i got no fucking morph ! Wait..what? you said you had morph ?? Yeh well..i always do..but i aint got shit it seems ! It starts to rain..i lol. My partner says she is upping her search mission to include 2 x morphine and some painkillers because we are making her head hurt, she is heading towards Grishino. He is at Black Mountain..eastern side and i have now crawled to about a midpoint between Devils Castle and NW airfield..hoping i may get lucky and get a morph spawn there. Still it rains.

So we chit chat about how awesome our latest adventure is going and general bullshit..crawl crawl crawl. My partner heads to Devils Castle hoping for a random spawn. She gets hit by zeds ( she really is a shit shot ) and runs inside and bandages ..we ask if she is actually shooting at them or just pointing the gun and making pew pew noises..next thing we hear from her is... ohhh fuck! Ummm guys...i just fell off the stairs in the castle..wait up..i,m gonna make it.....'Parker is dead' comes up on screen..me and my mate hold back laughter pretty hopelessly. Yep im dead she says..really ? we say.

She spawns at Kamenka. Destination Cherno hospital.

About 15 minutes later i make the Castle, my mate was crawling around Gvozdno when he decides to turn around and heads for Berezino lol..i start spam crouching the stairs into the castle ..find her body just inside..grab some food for my starving out char and then get comfy for the long wait.

Hey where are you girl..

Near the Cherno hospital

Parker is dead.

Where are you now?

Spawned at Elektro..

Sweet ..do a mad hospital run and head up..

Parker is dead

Outside Cherno

Parker is dead

Komarovo..running to Cherno..

Hey ! i found my other dead body !!

Parker is dead.

Ok i am at some place called ..oh fuck i didnt catch it...shovy.. soliy or something .wait up..i see a light..yay its a torch! Maybe they have morphine!!

Parker is dead

My mate makes Berezino..cant see shit because of the graphic glitches. He calls it for the night logged out in the treeline. I have spam crouched up and down the castle and i am now losing blood..wtf..my medical icon is flashing and i am at 6500 odd and dropping fast. I eat a tin of food, drink a coke, take some painkillers..nada. Last resort i eat my only antibiotics i have seen in ages..been hanging on to them for a long time since my last char got sick and i could not find any. Still losing blood..this whole time my partner is telling me to bandage..i am not bleeding though i say ! I bandage..blood loss stops. Fuck. She suggests spam crouching popped my broken bone out of my leg..

Parker is dead.

I aggro some zeds and go down shooting with my 1911.

I spawn at Komarovo..my partner spawns outside Cherno..i tell her to wait in a bush. I run through Cherno grab some beans and drink, not one morph in the tents or the hospital..all tins and bandages. We run to Elektro,,same..no morph,,tins ,bandages, epipens and painkillers. We head up to Devils Castle, stop near a Guglovo heli wreck and score an m14 aim and fnfal..run run run..finally make the Castle, both our dead chars are still there we grab our gear, nvgs,gps etc.

We log at the castle..still no morph. 6 hour and 20 minute session. After all of that we are about ten minutes away from our original starting spot..with the same gear :)

Was a pretty cool sesh with not really a lot happening.

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Just kidding, had a good laugh! "Cool story brahz" and stuff :)

Why didn't you check the medical boxes? They are stuffed with morphine :D

Edited by Tex Willer

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Just kidding, had a good laugh! "Cool story brahz" and stuff :)

Why didn't you check the medical boxes? They are stuffed with morphine :D

I always do and generally you get at least 1 thats is stacked full of stuff,,this time both hospitals and the medic tents had cans,bandages or painkillers spawned around tha box so needed to be lotted first and then we would have had to wait for the respawn. Sometimes i will fully loot a drop the stuff outside so the bext guy who comes along get a fresh spawb but most of the time i just cruise on and find the next spot hoping for the goodies.

This story gave me haemorrhoids.


Good god.


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