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So... Uh... I found a tractor and it killed me

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Was doing pretty amazing. Found some really incredible weapons, had a 16 slot backpack, had it full of meat and medicine and canteens... Found a tractor and thought oh this is cool let's see how this thing works! It blew up and killed me. No warning just boom.

I'm depressed now :( Why don't they warn you that vehicles will make you die? I would have been happy without the tractor I thought hey it's a new aspect of the game I get to experience. Sad face.

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Hey man i had an AS50, ghillie suit, the works and was driving my motorcycle hit a bump fell off an died. Its part of the game, be persistent you will get all those things and more again.

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Was doing pretty amazing. Found some really incredible weapons, had a 16 slot backpack, had it full of meat and medicine and canteens... Found a tractor and thought oh this is cool let's see how this thing works! It blew up and killed me. No warning just boom.

I'm depressed now :( Why don't they warn you that vehicles will make you die? I would have been happy without the tractor I thought hey it's a new aspect of the game I get to experience. Sad face.

Equally likely someone shot at it with a .50 rifle when you got close since tractors are noisy, slow, zombie magnets. In fact, I gather that it's considered a public service to destroy tractors...

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Equally likely someone shot at it with a .50 rifle when you got close since tractors are noisy, slow, zombie magnets. In fact, I gather that it's considered a public service to destroy tractors...

I personally collect tractors. I used to have 3 at my camp, but gradually they were all stolen (lolwut?)

They didn't even take the Ural

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In the top left of the the screen the current state of the the vehicle is displayed. If eng=red then don't drive it until its repaired or you will blow up. Its also possible it was booby trapped with a satchel charge and somebody had many lols at your expense.

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Never trust the tractors, My friend has died the same way and I have come across two dead bodies under tractors.

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LOL was it the tractor by the NW airfield ? if so I've come across the same tractor of death, I hopped in and Drove it for about ten feet i hit a bump and BOOM! dead

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LOL was it the tractor by the NW airfield ? if so I've come across the same tractor of death, I hopped in and Drove it for about ten feet i hit a bump and BOOM! dead

IT WAS!!! UGH! It's cursed :(

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Kill it with Fire time? Let us rise up and join forces to purge this tractor menice from the land!.. after we do a health and safty check...

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Never Ever Take A Tractor better off giving a pick-up truck as they look funny and also I somehow went prone in one and the drivers didn't notice me till I fell off xD

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Poor Zeplague! I came across a tractor too. I helped myself to the water bottle and the can of beans and then I walked away! ;)

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