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A more sane AAR, or How to deal with sniping bandits

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Hi, I'm Pallidum Treponema, one of the more extravagant posters on this forum. When I'm not posting on this forum, I'm ruining this mod forever and ever, because I'm a bandit that PKs.

I'd like to take this opportunity to post a mix of an AAR and guide to take out sniping bandits (or survivors). This will be a more technical AAR compared to the somewhat more embellished version I posted earlier.

The basic premise of this engagement is that we had a helicopter in the air doing a pass over Cherno when he took fire from a M107. Our pilot is familiar enough with DayZ and ARMA to recognize the sound of the M107. The pilot spotted who the shooter was and his location.

The shooter in question was a player who had been spamming chat for a long time trying to lure players to the cherno construction site in order to kill them. His story was leaking worse than the Titanic, for instance suggesting that he'd found a crashed helicopter he wanted to repair (hint, crashed helicopters can't be repaired) and the comment "M107, what's that?" after having said to our pilot "Eat M107 bullets, chopper" earlier.

We recalled our helicopter to pick up our assault team. The team was inserted north east of Cherno, well out of sight from the shooter. The team split into two groups, one going northwest of the shooter, the other going northeast.

By this time, we'd had a forward scout observing the shooter for several minutes to ensure that he did not relocate, and to scout out entry points for our teams.

Our teams got into place, with one team placing themselves in the woods NE of cherno, the other team moving to the grain silos in central cherno. During all this, I kept the shooter occupied with updating him on my "progress" in chat, promising him a main rotor assembly and a jerrycan for his helicopter.

Once we had everything in place, I announced to the shooter that I was about to hit the construction site. Volunteering to be the bait, I ran forward, throwing flares around me. This served several purposes - first letting me see clearly where I ran, as I could not afford to get stuck on rubble, secondly letting me see where to take cover from the shooter. I knew where the shooter was so I could easily take cover as long as I could see well enough in the night. It also made the shooter focus his attention on me and not one of our sniper teams. And lastly, throwing flares around made me look like a bumbling fool, that is to say, an easy target for the shooter.

As I was running around on the construction site, jinking randomly and popping in and out of cover, using the excuse of zombies and not finding the stairs, the shooter went to crouched to take a shot at me and, a quick countdown later, our three snipers took down both the shooter and his buddy.

We later confirmed our previous observation that the shooter had not only a M107 with NVGs, but also a coyote backpack (the large one). As it is impossible to carry both an M107 and a backpack in DayZ, this was all the evidence we needed to know that the shooter was a hacker, and thus we reported him to the devs.

Now, it should be pointed out that while this was a planned counter ambush, one of the reasons why we could pull it off was because this was a nighttime server, thus low-population. We had well over half the population of the server on our team and could therefore move around in Cherno in relative safety. Had this been a fully populated server, we could not have moved our snipers around as freely. It was a calculated risk we took, but ended up paying off.

One of the reasons for why I'm making this post is to highlight how an organized team works. The fact that we had a helicopter around was a bonus, but this could have been pulled off without one. We only got two kills during this op, as opposed to going on a random shooting spree on a populated server, but I felt that we had a lot more fun, especially with getting the kill on a confirmed hacker.

Another reason for why I'm posting this is to back up Rocket's statement in that the PK groups that are constantly killing you are not necessarily "CoD Deathmatch noobs", but are actually organized, and quite often a lot more organized than you. I do post on the forums though.

If you get killed by one of our snipers, it's probably because we've had a team watching the area for some time, and you bumbled straight into our firing line and you never saw us because we never intended to be seen. If your chest gets filled with 5.56x45 SD at point blank range, it's probably because we took our time to get close to you, and we probably had two or three shooters covering our infiltrators at all times.

Those chance encounters where we slaughter your entire group? Yeah, they're probably not chance encounters. We probably had one of our guys spot you from a distance, then spent 10-15 minutes getting our shooters in position before springing the ambush.

The point is, we're more organized than you. We're better than you. Are we the best? No, probably not. Most likely not in fact, but we're still better than the vast majority of the people that we encounter and that's why I can say, with a fair bit of confidence, that we're better than you.

Is this unfair? Yes, it is. We don't engage in fair fights. Soldiers in real life don't do fair fights either, because in "fair fights", some of them are bound to die. If we fight in a fair fight, then we've done something wrong, not done our scouting properly, got our intel wrong, walked into a counter ambush, or been caught unaware.

Do you want to make it a fair fight, or heck even unfair towards us? Good. Get better at the game. Get organized, learn tactics, learn to survive. Because we're not going to give you a fair fight otherwise.

Life in Chernarus isn't fair.


AAR-Marshal Palli 'Unfairy' Treponema

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... I'm sorry; all I heard was Charlie Brown's teacher while attempting to read your post.

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... I'm sorry; all I heard was Charlie Brown's teacher while attempting to read your post.

^ This

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so to take out pkers in cherno you need a heli, 4 snipers, and 1 bait good to know that i can spawn in and get that stuff around in no time. how if you know where he is you get in range and shoot him. just saved you about 19 more paragraphs

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so to take out pkers in cherno you need a heli' date=' 4 snipers, and 1 bait good to know that i can spawn in and get that stuff around in no time. how if you know where he is you get in range and shoot him. just saved you about 19 more paragraphs


See, this is your problem. You choose not to learn, and that's why I'm still better than you. :)

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oh okay.

>buy my own server

>restart until i spawn chopper

>tell 4 friends with nvgs, dmrs, and coyote backpacks where sniper was taking random horrible pot shots at our sweet ride dude

>make new thread with 18 paragraphs explaining how me and my overgeared posse killed 2 bandits with hacked gear

striking story chap

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See' date=' this is your problem. You choose not to learn, and that's why I'm still better than you. :)


Do you guys smell that?

A narcissist.

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Pallidum... your absolutely right, and good writeup.

whats your tag and what server do you play on. i want a challenge.

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we're all gamers, and all a bit geeky, but you my friend need to get out more.

you're not better than us, just sounds like you could do with filling your real life up a little.

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we're all gamers' date=' and all a bit geeky, but you my friend need to get out more.

you're not better than us, just sounds like you could do with filling your real life up a little.


Hey, I'm only 11. Gimme a break.

Also, you should be more considerate. I can't go outside. I won't fit through the door anymore. :(

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I was taking fire from an M107 a couple of nights ago.

Upon hearing the shot land near me, I lay down behind a little shed and had a think about where the shooter could have been. There was a factory nearby (near Polana) and I figured the pro sniper would probably be sitting on top of it.

Then I began to chat to him as I ran around, asking who was shooting near the factory. Then I went and hopped in my little convertible and drove it down the field and through the gates, then climbed out, climbed all the way to the top. As I popped up, he tried to shoot me but missed (damn that gun is loud) and I threw a frag grenade at him. Problem was, I scrolled to smoke, and I missed the ledge and it bounced back to the stairs and began to cover me in red smoke. Then I got around to my frag and threw that directly upwards and that also landed in the stairs. I ran forward and fell and broke my legs and was bleeding, as well as shell shocked and blinded by red smoke. After mending myself for a couple of minutes I ran back up the stairs and we both shot at each other with our pistols, completely missing every shot. I kind of looked at him for a while and then went back down the stairs.

Then I remembered a deer stand north, across the field, at the edge of the woods. I got in my car and drove back up the field as he was shooting at me, got to the stand and found an AKM with one mag. I loaded it up and drove back down until I returned to the factory, hopped out, walked up the stairs and shot him.

I'm a pro and you can be too.

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I'm a pro and you can be too.


(How can you be so consistently hilarious)

OP: I was enjoying your story until the "We're better than you" nonsense started. Forming a group that uses tactics is awesome, being a dick about it is not.

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This "I'm better than you" BS is what kills the hardcore. Nobody likes an elitist.

You're good at games? Good for you. You have a bunch of resources to pool together and mobilize whenever you want. You're over-geared and essentially at "end-game" as far as can be concerned. You aren't exactly looking for players to recruit, just people to make fun of and snipe when you see them while acting like you're a better man for it. The only thing left for you to do is kill people with overbearing force.

Clearly the smarter person would not out-think you, as you can still outgun them, but would rather avoid playing on your server. No offense intended, you obviously have more gear than me and thus, by correlation, have an ego bigger than mine, but I would rather not be on the same server as you because you are totally decked out and I'm doing good to find a Winchester before some sniper with NVGs pops out and snipes me for a can of beans.

The reason Bandits seem so organized is that all the good clans are mass bandit, anti-survivor gangs. That's all. So it boils down to this: Join a gang, or try to survive on your own. It's not really a "survival" game anymore, just turf wars.

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Hi! I've got a Makarov with 3 mags, one set of bandages, a Lee-Enfield with five clips. I also have an ALICE pack with lots of beans, extra makarov mags and blue chem lights.

I'm also not playing on one of the PL servers right now, so no home turf advantage. :(

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I thought this was gonna be an AAR, not some gloat fest. This should probably be merged to the stories thread instead

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One thing I'd like to know; when you or your friends are killed, OP, do you just have your decked-out friends come pick you up in the chopper and give you good gear again?

It's one thing to form a group of people who have decent skill and tactics and another to gloat about how much better you are than the people who don't have a huge group of people to support them when they die. I've often wiped out most members of a typical hide-in-one-spot-and-shoot-anyone-that-comes-by group of bandits, only to finally be killed by bandit #4 or 5 (depending on how well I've got the drop on them and how well positioned they are). It sucks, because all I've really done is marginally inconvenience them. I've outsmarted a big group of bullies (who think that their capacity to sit in one location for hours, waiting for a newbie to kill, without dying of boredom or, you know, having to live their real lives, amounts to "skill") and died, which means that I now need to put in a lot of effort to get decent gear again, while douchebag #1-4 only need to hike back to their friends who've stashed their dead friends' gear.

I'm not sure whether you do this, but I haven't yet seen a bandit clan (is there any other type of clan in this game?) where one member will happily play without their decked-out wolf pack after they've died, until they get good gear again. Instead, they'll run back, rejoin the pack and side chat about how their large group of people is far superior in skill to the lone survivors.

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Jesus dude. I can undertand that you're happy about a mission done well and a hacker killed. I actually really enjoyed your AAR up until the point where you start your little monologue about how badass you guys are.

GODDAMIT you go all serious about this. The last paragraphs about how 1337 you guys are are rediculous. Jesus, give it a rest. A gentleman enjoys quietly. You seem like someone who needs some of that extra attention and you got it, so mission accomplished I guess.

But okay, enjoy the game the way you enjoy it but goddamit stop bragging like a 13yr old child. If you were really cool about it you would not post the bragging but wait until you and your group are known enough for a "man have you been shot by THESE bastards before?" thread. ;)

Have fun!

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We later confirmed our previous observation that the shooter had not only a M107 with NVGs, but also a coyote backpack (the large one). As it is impossible to carry both an M107 and a backpack in DayZ, this was all the evidence we needed to know that the shooter was a hacker, and thus we reported him to the devs.

Am I the only person who's bothered by the ignorance in this statement? If there's anything to be crying about it's his possible use of NVGs with a M107. The whole backpack thing though.... you sure you're playing the same game?

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You do realize the whole no backpack with an m107 was taken out forever ago? If you want to be a pretentious asshole, at least get your facts straight.

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